Wyoming 8 points

There is no way with so much public land in Wyoming that you could hunt and kill a big buck with 8 PPs on a DIY hunt that I would never waste thousands of dollars paying for a guided hunt. To kill a big buck usually takes a lot of scouting time and looking at a lot of animals. If you have that many PPs, I would pick a good unit that you can draw with your 8 PPs this year and book off two weeks to go out there and cover as much ground as possible until you find the one that pleases you and then kill him! My resident buddy drew six buck tags in a row in the unit where we hunt deer and elk every year that takes less than 8 PPs for a NR to draw and I was with him when he killed six bucks between 76" and a B&C record book one that went 84 4/8". This year he didn't draw his buck tag, so it broke that streak. I just shot two does after taking three good bucks in the unit between 2003 and 2012 before point creep climbed so high that I got out of the game while the getting was good.
Just my opinion, so here goes. I wouldn't waste 8 points to shoot a B&C buck without an experienced guide beside me.
What happens if you have a 78" buck appear on the first day? Can you judge on your own if he's 78" or 82"? Do you shoot if you only have a few minutes to do so? An experienced guide is going to know and put you in position to be successful.
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