Wyoming Pref Points

It sure is! Listen to this if you don't believe it. I hit it off with a guy by the name of Gary on another website and he lives outside Houston and has access to a small ranch south of San Antonio where my folks are. Gary set up a hog hunt down there in the Spring of 2010 and we had a great time in what turned out to be my Dad's last hunt before passing away last 9/11. Since 2010 Gary and I have tried unsuccessfully to get together due to his work schedule. This Spring a guy (Dan) from Idaho Falls came on another website I'm on asking about a good spot for antelope in Wyoming with his 4 PPs. I offered to take him to my unit if he would party with me to try and draw the tag, which we did and drew the tags. The other day I got a cc email from Gary with some wildlife photos and the main party he sent them to was Dan. I emailed Gary and asked how the heck he knew Dan and he responded back that there are lots of guys around the country with that name and this Dan lived in Idaho. I sent back and said that might be the case, but it was THE Dan. He about died and said they had gone to highschool together, were still good friends, and tried to hunt together every few years. Now THAT's a small world!
It sure is! Listen to this if you don't believe it. I hit it off with a guy by the name of Gary on another website and he lives outside Houston and has access to a small ranch south of San Antonio where my folks are. Gary set up a hog hunt down there in the Spring of 2010 and we had a great time in what turned out to be my Dad's last hunt before passing away last 9/11. Since 2010 Gary and I have tried unsuccessfully to get together due to his work schedule. This Spring a guy (Dan) from Idaho Falls came on another website I'm on asking about a good spot for antelope in Wyoming with his 4 PPs. I offered to take him to my unit if he would party with me to try and draw the tag, which we did and drew the tags. The other day I got a cc email from Gary with some wildlife photos and the main party he sent them to was Dan. I emailed Gary and asked how the heck he knew Dan and he responded back that there are lots of guys around the country with that name and this Dan lived in Idaho. I sent back and said that might be the case, but it was THE Dan. He about died and said they had gone to highschool together, were still good friends, and tried to hunt together every few years. Now THAT's a small world!
Yep now thats a small world!
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