Wyo hunt for daughter and I. Help please.

I live in Northeast Wyoming and I am also an outfitter. All antelope licenses are issued through the Wyoming Game and Fish via a drawing. After the initial drawing there is another drawing for leftover licenses not issued in the first drawing. If there are still licenses leftover after the second drawing, they become available for sale as a first come first serve basis. I know that areas 23 and 24 typically have type 2 licenses available to be purchased as leftover. The type 2 license is good only on private property, so that would require obtaining permission to access private land. Usually there licenses available for other areas as well that don't have the type 2 designation. As others have stated, it's usually areas with not a lot of public land or public land that is landlocked by deeded.
Thank you Fonzy. You made it much clearer. I know you run a great hunting camp. I hope this father/daughter contacts you for a hunt this fall. One and Done with a Huskemaw.
Thank you all for the replies. I guess we could apply for a point this year and then apply for a tag next year. Does that sound like we would have a chance at a tag then?
Get in touch with Fonzy. He will let you know which area to apply for and you will draw a tag or be able to buy one over the counter. He is a great outfitter and guide.
Will the gentleman that was helping me via pm please contact me? The number in my phone is not working to call you and I don't have your messages anymore in my pm history. I don't want to mention your name on here, it starts with D. Thank you
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I have had great luck with The Draw. Jordan is a great guy...he used to be with Cabela's TAGS and WTA but started his own company last year....he knows the ins and outs of what units will fit what you are looking for, and if you need outfitters he knows a ton as well.

Its true that NE Wyoming has lots of goats, its NOT true that there is limited public land. Look at Area 7, it has lots of critters and tons of antelope. I dont think its really that hard to draw. Or at least wife and I never failed to make the cut.
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