I was shooting in the Palma Individuals at Camp Perry last summer & had been chatting back & forth with some of the NRA referees during the week. One was a gruff, tatooed, Harley dude from up north. Nice guy, just a little stand-offish.
After the 900 yard phase, we packed up & were walking back to the 1,000 yard line. He was shaking his head in bewilderment. I asked what was up & he said, "The last relay had two of the Gallaghers (Michelle & Sherri I think) along with Robin Maly. If THAT'S what it takes to shoot like that, I'm getting a sex change as soon as I get home!!!" That was not the first nor the last time I got trounced by a gal.
Each of those three is a multi-time National Champion in one discipline or another, & contenders as soon as they step up to the line. Not to mention Michelle & Sherri's mother - Nancy Tomkins-Gallagher. Even the rough & ready big-time military shooters show respect & deference around that crowd.
Pysiologically, the ideal sniper or rifleman is theorized as a left handed woman. On average, women have much lower blood pressure, heart rates, and if shooting prone left handed - the left side of the chest is off the ground minimizing pulse effect. If you could find one who's a divorcee, you'd get heartless & cruel to add to the list!
In my experience, women are generally better listeners when it comes to technique & bring no pre-conceived (or ill-conceived) notions to the table. They are usually much easier to instruct on handgun, rifle, and submachinegun skills. Most check their egos at the door.
It's funny how no 'equal rights' groups have picked up on it, but from the Olympics to conventional HP to benchrest, the shooting sports are one of the ONLY sports where women & men compete on a one-on-one basis... and women often WIN!