Winter projects

Waiting on my Savage precision carbine to come back re-chambered in 223ai. Just finished load development on 6.5x55 and wondering if I should ai that also. Worked on a load with 22-250 fast twist with 75 berger but the way they have been going gonna work up a 75eldm load and switch. Here is my 6.5x55 load at 100y 142lrab


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I was also thinking about a 6.5x47 to do the same with my burned out Milspec 308 that was an excellent shooter. Very interested to hear how your build turns out!
Took it out yesterday for the first time for barrel breakin and I got real lucky. Loaded up some rounds with H4350 and various seating depths for Berger 130 VLDs. Three groups in the .3s with the best at.123. I think I will have a good shooter.
Took it out yesterday for the first time for barrel breakin and I got real lucky. Loaded up some rounds with H4350 and various seating depths for Berger 130 VLDs. Three groups in the .3s with the best at.123. I think I will have a good shooter.

Very nice! While the bulk of my LR hunting is with a 6.5x284, my go-to for practice, steel, and PRS/tactical competition is the 6.5x47. It's a superb cartridge design. Between these two cartridges, the kind of accuracy you are seeing has become my performance expectation.
I'm also trying to figure out what to build a 20 vartag on as that will be my next build as well as a 6.5 sherman
Very nice! While the bulk of my LR hunting is with a 6.5x284, my go-to for practice, steel, and PRS/tactical competition is the 6.5x47. It's a superb cartridge design. Between these two cartridges, the kind of accuracy you are seeing has become my performance expectation.
My hunting rifle now for the most part is the 6.5 SAUM built by Lane Precision Rifles. I had the 6.5x47 built for my weekly informal shooting sessions for trigger time with the other old retirees I hang around with. Besides, it gives me something else to play with.
Working on getting my last build (6.5 prc) settled in so I can start loading for it. It's doing well so far but I think I might have a carbon ring trying to form so I need to address that now. Factory 147s shooting just under 2" @ 300 so far pretty pleased with that. I keep almost buying a box of ADG brass but after I get through this last factory box I'll have 80 rounds of Hornady brass to load and can save that money.... we will see if I give in.

Also planning my next build... sigh it never ends.
That seems to be common on those. All 3 of the 88 factory stocks I've owned cracked. The one I currently have was my Dad's, and he hand whittled the stock from a Walnut board with his hunting knife, took him all winter. Gotta be a pain in the tail with that bolt thru the butt stock. What caliber is yours ? Have you tackled the trigger? Talk about a labor of love ?

It's a 308. The trigger is fine. I can shoot under an inch with its one load it likes. Once I get the stock fitted I'm going to try some 125gr Accubond's to see if it will work. Other than that I have plenty of 165gr HotCor loaded up.

Waiting on my Savage precision carbine to come back re-chambered in 223ai. Just finished load development on 6.5x55 and wondering if I should ai that also. Worked on a load with 22-250 fast twist with 75 berger but the way they have been going gonna work up a 75eldm load and switch. Here is my 6.5x55 load at 100y 142lrab

Just took my 8 twist 22-250 out today and it worked great with 69 tmk's loaded to 3200 fps with AR Comp. About an inch and a half at 300 yards, couldn't miss the gong either.
Im working on springs and new shocks ,hydraulic bumps for the buggy.So I can go look for a wolf.Have some camper work after that
Like some of the others, I'm working on my 44 mag loads, which I am new at but I love the accuracy and power of this load. Winter thru early Spring is my handgun season but I already have some 7mm-08 ladder loads for my new Ruger American. All of these custom rifle platforms are amazing.
Got my custom .308 back from the smith. Going to put a weaver tactical 6-30x56 on it. Also, have a 6 Dasher coming in that I'm going to bolt together.



The dasher is getting a new mcmillan HTGA stock and an Athlon Cronus scope.
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