Winter Curiosity

Brain fart alert!!! It's a dragonov, not an AK-74. :rolleyes:

I haven't seen the movie yet, but when I first read your post, I was confused, and was figuring you were referring to the Dragonov in 7.62x54R. That tends to be the go-to sniper system for most of the 3rd world countries. I've always wanted one with the original scope just to have as a collector piece. Always thought they were cool looking.

The AK-74 shoots a 5.45x39.
So I have seen American Sniper (Awesome flick), and of course the bad guy uses an AK-74 sniper system which uses the 7.62x54.

The AK74 uses the 5.45x39mm. The SVD in the movie is an AK variant that does shoot the 7.62x54.

What a great movie that was.....

It was awesome. I wanted to stand at attention in the end and salute. Have seen a more solom retreat from the end of a movie since the Passion of The Christ movie.
Riddle me this, how does this cartridge/rifle compare to the 300wm that Chris Kyle shot? From reading the book he was very fond of this cartridge as a sniper round as well as the 338lapua. As far as I understand Kyle never used the 308 win as his dedicated sniper anti savage round
I agree, when I went to see the movie it was the only movie I remember in a long time that the theater was packed. And at the end, no one moved. No one even talked until all the credits were done. It was a mutual respect for the hero's who make this country great.
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