Well, this subject has caused a lot of mirth, angst and downright criticism, and even a few arguments over the past few months. As I sit here at my desk looking out the window to my right, I see snow of the ground, cold weather (currently a balmy 24 degrees) only a few hunting seasons open, but not my type, I eat what I shoot and Coyote
does not sound even the slightest bit tasty. As I sit here in my nice warm office, I ponder why I'm not out at the range plinking away with a sissy gun, or maybe a not so sissy gun, just out there trying to put 3 to 5 rounds into the same hole at 100 yards. The answer to that question is simple, I don't really enjoy the cold weather. However, after all this pondering, the proverbial light bulb came on. Why do we shoot sissy guns? The answer is simple. It's just downright fun!!!
Being out on a rifle range is my idea of having a good time. The camaraderie, the joking around with other shooters between times on the gun, betting to see who can shoot the smallest group and then wandering up to the clubhouse, washing hands in cold water and partaking of a fermented beverage or two along with maybe a burger, and continuing with the gun talk is simply downright fun. For me, it's a mini vacation. While I enjoy fishing, a day on the range shooting, actually doing something beats a day sitting out in a boat or on the shore waiting for a fish to decide to bite my bait. So Gentlemen, and you Ladies too! We shoot sissy guns simply because it's fun!