Whats Your Favorite 7mm WSM Load

I just purchased M-70 Stainless in 7mm WSM. I am curious if you got any velocity with H4831? I am also impressed that you have tried so many powders.

I am interested in 160 Accubonds which are the longest bullets that could fit in the magazine. My guess is that R-25, VV N-165, H-1000, Ramshot Magnum, Magpro would be the velocity winners with 160 gr bullets. I spoke with the late Bruce Hodgdon about H-1000. He had the powder made for 160 gr bullets in the 7mm Remington Mag.

What powders from my list can you eliminate and what is the criteria that you used?
I just purchased M-70 Stainless in 7mm WSM. I am curious if you got any velocity with H4831? I am also impressed that you have tried so many powders.

I am interested in 160 Accubonds which are the longest bullets that could fit in the magazine. My guess is that R-25, VV N-165, H-1000, Ramshot Magnum, Magpro would be the velocity winners with 160 gr bullets. I spoke with the late Bruce Hodgdon about H-1000. He had the powder made for 160 gr bullets in the 7mm Remington Mag.

What powders from my list can you eliminate and what is the criteria that you used?

Are you referring to the M70 Extreme Weather? I was looking at this rifle myself. I finally was able to get my hands on it tonight...although in a different caliber. I just wanted to get a feel for it in my hands. I have been seriously looking at the 7wsm. My only concern is that I would like to shoot shoot the 160 accubonds, and the 168 bergers, and be able to seat them no farther then 0.020 off the lands, and I am wondering if they will still fit in the magazine...or this will turn into a one shot down the pipe as I need it kind of deal.

Has anyone run into issue with them fitting in the magazine, and still being able to have them close to the lands, or right up against as I think the bergers require?
I'm shooting a 26 inch brux barrel 1-9 twist. I have the 168s and the 162s going 3000fps. They pretty much shoot identical out past 1000.
Are you referring to the M70 Extreme Weather? I was looking at this rifle myself. I finally was able to get my hands on it tonight...although in a different caliber. I just wanted to get a feel for it in my hands. I have been seriously looking at the 7wsm. My only concern is that I would like to shoot shoot the 160 accubonds, and the 168 bergers, and be able to seat them no farther then 0.020 off the lands, and I am wondering if they will still fit in the magazine...or this will turn into a one shot down the pipe as I need it kind of deal.

Has anyone run into issue with them fitting in the magazine, and still being able to have them close to the lands, or right up against as I think the bergers require?

They will no doubt fit in the magazine. The M70 WSM action is longer than most standard short actions. I have the EW in 300 WSM and the longer short action is what I love about it. I run berger 210's and 230's on the lands and they fit and function in the magazine fine with OALs of 2.996 and 3.010.

Now that Timney is making a good trigger replacement for the new M70, IMO there is no better factory WSM on the market.
They will no doubt fit in the magazine. The M70 WSM action is longer than most standard short actions. I have the EW in 300 WSM and the longer short action is what I love about it. I run berger 210's and 230's on the lands and they fit and function in the magazine fine with OALs of 2.996 and 3.010.

Now that Timney is making a good trigger replacement for the new M70, IMO there is no better factory WSM on the market.

Thanks, that boosts my confidence level.
They will no doubt fit in the magazine. The M70 WSM action is longer than most standard short actions. I have the EW in 300 WSM and the longer short action is what I love about it. I run berger 210's and 230's on the lands and they fit and function in the magazine fine with OALs of 2.996 and 3.010.

Now that Timney is making a good trigger replacement for the new M70, IMO there is no better factory WSM on the market.

I would think that this is probably right on for the 7WSM as well. I have a Win 70 CRPF on a Coytote, or previously a Coyote, and I'm able to load 160 Abnds, 168 and 180 Berger VLDs all out to jam length.

60.5 grains of IMR-4350 and a 150 grain TTSX Loaded 50 thou off the lands gave me dime sized groups. 61 grains is listed book max. I used Fed 215 primers. I haven't chrono'd yet. Should be 3050 give or take.


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I used the 61.0 grains of H4831sc with 168 bergers at the last ridgway VBR shoot out of a savage 16 in 7wsm. I managed a couple hits at 950 and 1k so I couldn't be happier with a basicly stock rifle. I do think there is a second node in the factory barrel I'm going to try next spring.
I wish I could hunt with Bergers or other lead bullets but here in California, (home of the fruits and nuts), its lead free only. With that being said I've been happy with the Barnes bullets performance so far.
My 7mm wsm in my New Haven ss classic has more than enough room to reach the lands . In fact my 168 berger classics are leaving .185 in the magazine with the bullet hard into the lands. Hard enough that I pulled a bullet out when I unloaded it at the truck. I'm going to try reaming the throat out so I can use all the magazine length with heavier bullets. I can fit 3.05" in the magazine.
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