What is your favorite 300 Win Mag load?

77 grains H1000, 200 gr NAB, Fed215 for one rifle, 79 with 180's. Rifle 2 likes 78 grains Magnum, 200 gr NAB, 80 grs with 180's. 72-75 RL22 will do well with 180's, and 70-71 H4831 and 200's is always pretty accurate. I have had great accuracy in the past with 70 grs of IMR4350 and 180's!
For my long range work I use 79gr of Retumbo, Norma brass, Fed215, Berger 210 Hunting. VLDs, .010" off the lands. I get 2902FPS , ES of 11 FPS, out of my 24" R5 Milspec, .25-.5MOA.
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