What's your caliber of choice, for coyotes?

I live in Wyoming too I travel from basin down to wamsutter and back every week so if anyone knows about wind its me. It looks like your just back peddaling now. Maybe you should watch how you approach people. If this were a bar I imagine you would have gotten a beating

Not back peddling and I still stand by , Enough said! my .17Remington for coyotes.
If you have never shot one and killed a coyote with a .17 Remington then all you are doing is assuming and guesstimating.
Your 6AI is a fine choice there can be no doubt but give the credit due to those you have not used.
As far as a beatin well there you go assuming again, but it is always fun to imagine.
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Now guys the Thread was What my choice of Caliber for Coyotes not the Ideal caliber.
I shoot the .17 Rem because it works up close and out a ways.
There is no best round for any animal period.
I do not have to use my .17 as I have many others I can grab but I use it because it works period!
If the .17 was not a good coyote rifle then I guess the 1000's of coyotes killed every year by the .17 should feel slighted.
If there was one best rifle or caliber then we would have no need for any others.
You said you can shoot in the wind then good on you. I live in Wyoming and if the wind starts any where it is here!
We can sit here and stir the pot and I can give you my history and back ground as it is related to shooting and hunting not included my time behind a counter but it would do no good.
Let's just say I have extensive history including 23 years military along with 15 years Navy Spec War.
How many years were you in and what branch did you serve? No matter which branch you served or where you served then a big thank you is in order.
We can beat this dead horse but it aint gettin up.
Like I saidgun)if you shoot em where they live just make sure you have a sharp knife!
By the way I do like the 6mm AI, one great round.

First, the OP was wondering about something other than his 223. Second, I said the 17 was in no way ideal for 400 plus, and it ain't. Third, you tried to buck physics saying that 17 had as much wind susceptability as the 6, which it doesn't, at all. Fourth, you started by saying you aren't going to get into your background, and then did just that?? Ok I will bite:

15 years NSW? What BUD/S class? What Team did you pin your Budwesier on with? Don't try and say you were attached to NSW, that isn't being IN NSW. Only SEALs and BUD/S Grads can claim that distinction. What is the building number of the drown proofing pool at Coronado? It hasn't changed since they started training there.

Clearly I am asking because I don't believe you. No SEAL fronts like you do.
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Not back peddling and I still stand by , Enough said! my .17Remington for coyotes.
If you have never shot one and killed a coyote with a .17 Remington then all you are doing is assuming and guesstimating.
Your 6AI is a fine choice there can be no doubt but give the credit due to those you have not used.
As far as a beatin well there you go assuming again, but it is always fun to imagine.

I have used a 17 remington, as well as a 17 Fireball. They are great gopher and groundsquirrel guns at distance. They are far from good on coyotes at range. Will they kill, yes, but anything over 400 yards, I will take at least a 243 or 22-250AI at the minimum. Ideally, I will use my 6 Ackley.
22K-Hornet 40Vmax: For <300yd

223AI 75Amax: for up to 800yd with good wind conditions

243AI 105Amax, 105Ber VLD, 115Ber VLD: For way out and windy.

I haven't tested the range limits of these loads on animals, so my ranges above are based on target shooting. I have tested all but the 243AI 115VLD on yotes, at shorter ranges. It's hard to get long shots on yotes in south LA.

My 243AI 87Vmax Load puts'em down with athority as well.
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22K-Hornet 40Vmax: For <300yd

223AI 75Amax: for up to 800yd with good wind conditions

243AI 105Amax, 105Ber VLD, 115Ber VLD: For way out and windy.

I haven't tested the range limits of these loads on animals, so my ranges above are based on target shooting. I have tested all but the 243AI 115VLD on yotes, at shorter ranges. It's hard to get long shots on yotes in south LA.

Now I can fully see that combo. Good stable of varmint guns you got there. Never shot a 223AI, something I will have to get around too. I have WAY too many ARs in 5.56 though.
First, the OP was wondering about something other than his 223. Second, I said the 17 was in no way ideal for 400 plus, and it ain't. Third, you tried to buck physics saying that 17 had as much wind susceptability as the 6, which it doesn't, at all. Fourth, you started by saying you aren't going to get into your background, and then did just that?? Ok I will bite:

15 years NSW? What BUD/S class? What Team did you pin your Budwesier on with? Don't try and say you were attached to NSW, that isn't being IN NSW. Only SEALs and BUD/S Grads can claim that distinction. What is the building number of the drown proofing pool at Coronado? It hasn't changed since they started training there.

Clearly I am asking because I don't believe you. No SEAL fronts like you do.

You assume sir.
I never said I was a SEAL, but you assumed I meant that.
I guess you have never heard of SWCC, Then maybe you have.
But I know where I have been and what I have done and what quals I have.
Enough said on that!
By the way I was playing the game long before SWCC's were around. We wrote the book they started on.
No I would never lower a SEAL to my level but they are still NSW brothers!
But unless you were there none of what I say will make a big difference.
Did you serve? If so where. If so Thanks for your service if not well then you will never really understand what we did or have been through.
By the way I will still use my .17 out to 300 on Coyotes, after that I wish I did have a 6AI.
It time to get the popcorn & a soda and sit back and watch the show.


What powder are you using in your AI loads?
You assume sir.
I never said I was a SEAL, but you assumed I meant that.
I guess you have never heard of SWCC, Then maybe you have.
But I know where I have been and what I have done and what quals I have.
Enough said on that!
By the way I was playing the game long before SWCC's were around. We wrote the book they started on.
No I would never lower a SEAL to my level but they are still NSW brothers!
But unless you were there none of what I say will make a big difference.
Did you serve? If so where. If so Thanks for your service if not well then you will never really understand what we did or have been through.
By the way I will still use my .17 out to 300 on Coyotes, after that I wish I did have a 6AI.

SWCC huh? Not sure if I still believe you. You should still know what building number the drown proofing pool is in. If you were in SWCC, you would have been through that evolution in BCT or even Indoc, and you would have remembered. I will ask an easier quesiton: What does the Mark V use for its MPU?

Either way, being trained to use your CAR-15 or Mk18 and Mk24 in a support role, definitely hasn't given you expertise with shooting yotes at range or understanding BCs and how different projectiles will work in the wind. I really don't care anymore. I have wasted entirely too much effort on this.
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SWCC huh? Not sure if I still believe you. You should still know what building number the drown proofing pool is in. If you were in SWCC, you would have been through that evolution in BCT or even Indoc, and you would have remembered. I will ask an easier quesiton: What does the Mark V use for its MPU?

Do you know what a PBR Mk2B is or a MATC, Swift boat is or were or how about were the CCB-18 is at?
Ever heard of SBUXI OR SBU 12 AND 13. ever heard of NIOTC or an easy one for any one that has been Northern Hawk?
I was around prior to the MK5 being delivered to Coronado.
I knew about it but that was blue water stuff and seeing How I was Brown Water at that time it was something which did not I would rarely come in witn contact with unless SBU 12 came up to us for a joint exercise.
I was up at SBUXI and a Boat Captain of PBR's and left just as the change from unit to teams in 1994.
I was attached to SBU12 during Desert Shield and Storm, Where were you at?
Sounds to me like you know about the Amphib base, where were you stationed at?
By the way our drown proofing was held in the Sacramento River and the Mare Island pool .
long before there was a SWCC closed loop. We did the ground work for the new SWCC
which were transitioned from Boat Units after '94.
I was in NSW from 1982 till my retirement so it you what no difference to me what you believe
I have a broken back and a loss of hearing that reminds me of what I and my crew did!
Like I said if you served then thanks but never doubt my service, only wish I was young enough and physically able to go back and do it all again, but at least I did. Did You?
is this a contest of who can come up with the most acronyms? if so I want in.

Yeah come on in the waters fine, LOL.
Should have quit responding along time ago but some times I reel out enough line and watch em dance on the end of it.
All calibres that were brought up are good ones and have merit.
The bottom line is, if you like it and can shoot it then shoot it.
There was a time when a .30 cal was to small to kill but then we all have to crawl before we can walk.
At that I am done...I think:rolleyes:
I have used a 17 remington, as well as a 17 Fireball. They are great gopher and groundsquirrel guns at distance. They are far from good on coyotes at range. Will they kill, yes, but anything over 400 yards, I will take at least a 243 or 22-250AI at the minimum. Ideally, I will use my 6 Ackley.

At 400 yards my vote would be for a .25-06 or my custom .243. Sure the heck ain't going to be a .17 caliber anything. As more coyotes get trained, the longer the shots are going to be to get them.
If you go back and read my post I said to 300 yards, never said 400.
The .25-06 is a good choice no doubt it does a fine job.
I liked the ones I have owned over the years.
These days I am leaning towards smaller cases for most of my varmint/ coyote rifles.
If the wind is gusting then I may reach into the safe and get Ole Meat in the Pot out.
It is my 7mm stw. No not fur friendly but sure gets the job done plus it is a fun rifle to play with!
But for where I hunt or shoot coyotes out to 300 and less my .17 get the call, if the wind is kicking up to high then I have other choices.
I feel comfortable shooting the rifles I do as I load for and shoot them enough to shoot em where they live with good results.
I think we have beat this horse to a pulp and he still aint getting up.
I hope this settles the question of what MY choice is:rolleyes:.
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