Whats the cartridge you LOVE to HATE?

.308... Why ?????just so accurate and effective its boring! no load development... no "I wonder Why...if i change primers... may be its the seating depth...hell there has to be a better node here somewhere.... no shooting that barrel halfway out before you find a load you like......... sometimes some things are just too easy.
I can tell that you don't see the 30-06 lurking behind you...
From the looks of your posts there's quite a bit that irks you. I'm thinking that you may have a creedmoor hidden in the back of your safe but you wouldn't even tell your dog that it's there.
If I had a dog and creedmore, I wouldn't ....But yer right, I'm having too much fun being irked here and expressing it. Something about the tone of this thread invites it ! I hope everyone is having fun!
I've got it!!!

The infamous 22 Short that never fed worth a darn in anything! Not enough power to compete with air rifles! This HAS to be worth a full page!
I'll add my experience...I borrowed a Colt SA .22 revolver from a friend. The gun had been in his family for years. When I wnt to load it, I couldn't get a LR to load into the cylinder. I looked at the bores, they all had a ring of accululated carbon about halfway down. He and his family had been shooting only 22 shorts in it. I think they used it to shoot flies off the wall in winter time. I got a few soft twigs and cleaned those bores out so a 22 LR would load. I had no use for the short before then, but now I despise it.
I put all of these into the same category.
1. I phone.
2. Dodge trucks.
3. Glock.
4. Creedmore.
5. Light beer.
5. Cheap hookers.

All may not be so bad....just embarrassing to be seen with
Please, allow me to add Electric Vehicle to this list. It could serve as short hand for the whole list...
Remington EtronX ammo and guns, both dead on arival!......and any Winchester Super Short Magnums. great ideas, short on real improvement in performance, super hard to find ammo, super expensive ammo, and one other reason, they needed to be in super short actions to make any real sense to me.
WSSM: Winchester Simply Stupid Marketing
I was enjoying your post until you decided to question the 223. Almost 30 pages and there it was. What's not to like about it?
Every manufacturer has chambered it
Cheap brass
Cheap bullets
Only 26 grains of powder
SRP are available
Accurate enough out to 500
Fun to shoot
Try one and you will like it and you don't have to worry about your friends seeing you shoot it like a CM
Unfortunately, this thread doesn't seem to be about liking things....
Oh if I had an m1 you bet I'd never part with it haha.

My friend is still kicking himself over selling his old UNADULTERATED military rifle, a mint condition enfield .303. Full wood stock, still had the bayonet, everything. They're very common in Canada but not like this - every idiot with power tools or a file had to "sporterize" these formerly dignified and grimly serious pieces of hardware, and most were not gunsmiths by a mile and it shows. I've seen some real hack jobs that would just about make a man weep 🤣. Why would you do that to this rifle!? What did it ever do to you!?!?

I saw a video where they poked some well deserved fun at .303 owners.

"If your favourite cartridge is .303 British, your gun maintenance kit is a roll of electrical tape, a flat head screw driver, a can of wd40, and a rusty bastard file. No one with a beautiful wood stocked rifle should let you within a mile of it as the urge to take a dremel to it will be irresistible. And you're probably Canadian or Australian"
An English author I like spent time in Burma during WWII. He loved his rifle SMLE .303 British. Tossed away a perfectly good Tommy gun to get his back. He made me a believer, until I got a Garand.