To all those people that didn't agree with my post on barrel life....
I've used borescopes to confirm my suspicions.
I've used many methods of barrel cleaning and have found that no amount of barrel cleaning removed throat erosion. LOL
This is the reason I rarely buy a used rifle. They're almost always sold because accuracy degraded and my experience is that throat erosion is the usual culprit.
I think a lot of the reason for throat erosion is that people don't allow time to properly cool a barrel. If it's more than just a little warm to the touch I turn a fan on it and get busy with something else. Dewalt sells a great portable battery powered fan that is excellent for this. Plus taking less than at least 3 rifles to shoot for a range session or prairie dog hunting is a recipe for frustration.
Of course when you get into a good prairie dog town throat erosion is the least of your worries. It's time for having more fun than it's possible to have unless it's between the sheets.