What would you use a .416 Rigby for?

My 416 is a Rem. I only shoot 400 gr bullets in it. It shoots them to 150 yds as flat as flat can be done. Africa
Maybe next year. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
What would you NOT use a .416 Rigby for?

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Prairie dogs. Too expensive and painful! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Since you asked about my load, I'll ask about yours. I am not familiar with the 330grn bullet you mentioned. It sure has a good BC for the cal / weight. Please let me know your source. I would like to load some up and try them. How many grn of RL 19 are you using? By the way, good shot on the doe. 450+ yards is a long poke. That Wyoming wind is always fun to deal with. Of course a heavy 330grn bullet helps with that /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks for the info on the bullet. I'll check out the link and get some on order. I average about 3075 with the Barnes TS 350grn. I picked up about 80 to 90 fps when I had the longer barrel installed, based on comparisons of the same loads shot from the factory barrel. Not certain if it is the barrel length or that the Shilen barrel does not have the long freebore that Wby uses.........a little of both I suspect.

I have not tried the 300gr Barnes in a while. I shot some of them a couple years ago but did not get good accuracy with them. I would have to look up in my load notes to see what the speed was......
It seems like a few people got sidetracked "what would you use a .416 Rigby for" the answer is obvious. To knock the Hell out of whatever you wish to knock the Hell out of.
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