What motivated me to form LongRangeHunting.com

Bud, I don't remember which rifle that would have been but the rangefinder was Lasertech's 1,500 yard model. Since then I have bought a Leica Locator-Plus which is a 4,000 yard model which includes 7 power binoculars. Now, no one needs 4,000 yards but this one is about as good as you can get at distinguishing deer-sized targets among brushy distractions out at the 1,000 plus figure. It also will automatically figure parallel distances to negate incline errors. That is really a nice feature.
Great site! I too have watched far too many monster bucks beyond my confidence range and rifle range at the time. I have dedicated the last year to building a custom .264 Win Mag to remedy this situation, and will put it on some paper next weekend. I have several deer rifles, but the .264 has dropped more deer in their tracks than anything else I've shot. I also have a Weatherby chambered in a .300 Rem Mag that I'll be toying with next. Will post some pics of my work when I'm happy with the finished product.
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