I had to make a very hard decision years ago shifting my priorities to God, family & country when I decided to emigrate to the US from Venezuela. The United States is my country now and I don't want to lose it also. I'm concerned about what is happening today between political parties and their leaders which have managed to divide the country. Family is definitely after God, but not necessarily before country in my book. I also learned another important lesson... money comes after God, family, and country. Many of us put money before everything else and that is simply the forces of greed dominating our actions. Too much of that going on today everywhere. I owned a thriving business and had to turn it down for the good of my family who deserved a better future. The US has given all of us new hope and that's why I want all these issues that divide us today to be resolved. Maybe God and country now must come first.And this ain't talking family heirlooms and etc. this is rifles that when something needs to die, it's what u grab with zero questions!