What is the quickest most foolproof windage method?

Thanks for all the input so far... these kinds of formulas and suggestions in the other responses is exactly what I am trying to gather before making a decision on what will work best for me.


How much money you looking to spend on your scope purchase?

Scot E.
ScottE, I do exactly as you suggest, on my favorite set up, and I will be all mil in future scopes. I like that it is easy to remember mil holds to1000 or more, just less dialing. Which is how a Greybull or Huskemaw are set up also, but moa.I get to 825 On my TMR now and that is with a 200 zero. I could change all that and climb reticule, I just dial long stuff. I have spotted own miss rock shooting at 1200-1500 and been able to read reticule and connect on #2

Agreed. MILS offer fewer clicks, smaller numbers to remember and work with, and about the perfect size of adjustment per click IMO. Add FFP to it and I really start to get giddy! :)

It is interesting, Greybull, BOTW, and the G7 boys all use, or used at one point, 1/3 MOA turrets which is almost exactly what a .1 MIL click is. I don't use the yardage turrets like they do but a lot of the other concepts are very similar. For shooting out to 800-1000 yards I think it is tough to beat for an easy, quick, and accurate system for big game. Change things up a bit, ie smaller targets or longer ranges, and my requirements change a bit but I think most guys would be surprised how simple and accurate a reticle can be.

Scot E.

Kestrell is great for gaging wind speed at the point of shot but does nothing downrange where wind speed and even direction can be different....

I have one too. I also use the wet finger method.....:D

...but then, one of my hunting buds has taken lots of elk and mule deer using the wet finger/Kentucky windage methid and he always mounts a very affordable 6-9 scope too (Tasco fan).....
Leupold Optics.

For most of their scopes you can get it installed for 140.00.

True, but Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Just go buy a nighrforce with a kick butt reticle, & donate your Leupy to me..... Ill take one for the team:D

I shoot with the same scope, Leupold VX-III 4.5-14X40 A/O that I sent to Leupold Custom shop for the B&C Varmint hunter reticle. $109.99 exact change. Has windage in the reticle. Super easy, & quick for those 600-yd shots. a different reticle for ranges past that would probably serve you better, but for 600 & in, I LOVE mine.
If you have a vx-III or better, a whole world of inexpensive upgrades are available thru the Leupold custom shop. Even if your are not the origional purchaser of the scope! Pretty cool......
But you want a nightforce (I'm ever so sneaky sending subliminal messages)...:D...Leupolds should all be donated to winmag....:D... He will give them a good home......:D
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