There are several addition weapons and support I would like to have:
(edit for brevity)
A 12 ga is nice but difficult to amass enough ammo.
In my list I failed to mention cast bullets. Numerous molds for several calibers and about 1000 + pounds of wheel weights.
Also failed to mention, 1000 gallon propane tank kept pretty full. That can cook a lot of meals and supply a bit of supplemental heat from a small ventless propane heater….keeping a small space (preferably a small basement) at a tolerable temperature in winter! memtb
This is a very well thought out and sustainable plan....These are some of the reasons that a well thought out, implemented plan can be helpful.
Living in a low population, very rural area. Many miles from any large city (lets say in excess of 15K people), many miles from a four lane or interstate highway (lets say 100+ miles), a somewhat secluded, stocked pond for a long term meat/protein source after most of the wildlife/stock and larger animals are gone, a good garden area (which will attract some edible small animals) with abundant stockpile of natural fertilizers, a supply of Heritage seeds, a large supply of long term storage foods (for the poor crop years), a large stockpile medications plus medical/first aid books, alternate heat/energy sources, a good quantity of hand (not power) tools, endless water supply including a well, free range chickens, a multitude of small animal traps (raccoons and other small animals will survive when large animals are depleted), a good library of books for entertainment and education of the young folks, and much more.
A decent report with you neighbors, that may have some skillsets that could benefit those nearby.
Above and beyond all of this……a huge supply of "luck"! That's the one thing that you can't prep for! memtb
Savage .223 / 20 Ga see-thru mounts under a light weight scope like Leopold fixed 6 power. Pros:........So, I wondered about (and didn't see yet mentioned) a shotgun/rifle combo. Savage makes (made?) a 12ga./.308 or .223 combo with 24" barrels. Yes, single shot and likely tough to be confident beyond 200m, but you'd be out the door with one gun and with two pockets full of ammo you'd be set for most any game or ghoul you'd come across.
Anyone have one of these combo guns in the cabinet? I'm interested to hear both the general reaction to the combo gun idea and experience anyone may have with one......
Plus, you can carry a couple hundred rounds on your person easily.Suppressed Ruger 10/22
In my neck of the woods, small game is much more plentiful and allows you to "eat and run" vs. being tied to a larger kill.
IMHO, if the SHTF remaining mobile and as low profile as possible will be the way to go.
If thehits the fan I would want a squirt pistol. Actually I would prefer a garden hose. I have had to clean that mess up in the past. If you give Exlax to a cat, keep it away from the fan, and the drapes.
Yep. Currently, I have about 13-14 various molds in rifle and pistol calibers and for the muzzle loaders in rifle and revolver also. I have a few thousand lead bullets in stock, and about 500# of casting lead. I also have a few swage dies and jackets for rifle and pistol, and about 100# of lead wire for those with core molds if needed.
While we do not have a large propane tank, we use firewood for heat and emergency cooking, and I have a few cords in stock. We do have several smaller propane tanks for the grill and a backup camping propane stove, and we have several multi-fuel camp stoves and lanterns with a couple of 55gal drums and 5 gal cans of fuel. We also have a small rocket stove to efficiently burn wood, grass, leaves, sawdust or whatever for cooking.
Then there are the several conibear and other traps, several yoyo fishing devices, nets, snares, etc, etc. It goes on and on.