The long Bow was made by a boyer in Eugene, Oregon. I have had it for 16
years. It's never been strung since I've had it. I keep the string waxed and wipe down the bow a very small amount of Olive oil. It's more valuable as a museum piece than as a shooter. There are also a dozen and a half hand made arrows. With insert self knocks and hand made broadheads. All very professionally done, includung crests. I don't know how old this set is exactly,
but, I will guess probably in the 1920's. The recurves were bought in the 1950's, with the last one in 1998.
At 80 years of age, I can manage a 80% let off 60# Compound bow snd hold
a fairly tight group at 60 yds. Trying to shoot my old Herter 48# @ 28" is a
bit demanding and I have come to learn my limitations. I also hunt from a
tree stand, which makes shooting a shorter limbed bow more practical.