Want to head out west, first time ever.

tnshooter111, sorry to hear about the job going away in September. While it's not so nice the jobs going away, it at least nice you got some advance notice. hang in there.
Doe antelope tags are relatively cheap. About $40 or so and you can get two. You can make shooting them as much fun as you wish.


If you have a car and tent things do not have to be so expensive




Although my advice is to save your money and spend it on getting your education finished .
Hello everyone,

I am very interested to go hunt the west this year. I am only able to hunt during thanksgiving however, due to school.

I also dont have a hunting partner and am wondering if anyone else is in the same kind of jam. Wants to go hunt but doesn't have anyone to go with. I may end up just going alone and am looking for any advice, from what i've read i am pretty set on hunting wyoming. Still studying what areas but havent put in for anything yet.

Just generally looking for any advice to help out a newbie. Im not too new to LR hunting, just havent gone out west yet.

If anyone is even just a little interested in joining me/letting me join their hunt, shoot me a pm.


You figure out how to get a tag for SW MT I'll make sure you don't die of exposure, and help as much as you want or need, just pay your way and join in! The second week of August the surplus tags go on sale over the counter or computer, if you do some poking around the MT FWP web site you'll find info for seasons and such. gun)
You figure out how to get a tag for SW MT I'll make sure you don't die of exposure, and help as much as you want or need, just pay your way and join in! The second week of August the surplus tags go on sale over the counter or computer, if you do some poking around the MT FWP web site you'll find info for seasons and such. gun)

I as well, Oliver.

Sorry to hear about the job. But at least you got some warning...

thanks for advice, and wow that looks like an awsome trip! Thankfully I am in the position that my parents are willing and able to pay for my education, and definetely prefer knowing I'm spending my money on doe tags, bullets and powder than pot and video games like most of my class mates :D

Bigngreen and RockyMtnMT,
thanks a lot for the invites!!! I'll see how things pan out. I found out I have another possible window to go hunt, leave nov 5th (friday) return nov 14th (Sunday).
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