First time antelope hunt

I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
decoys really a rut oriented tool. early sept may work. we do that bows. never needed one with a rifle. be competant to 400 yards and your in the money..
also, wounded antelope are wusses compared to other animals. Even if you get a bad shot, stay with them youll get them.
Texas or Cimmaron? Don't over look the OLAP land, but be respectful. I've been blessed to kill a few both rifle and bow over the years. I think I've only had to shoot over 250 yards once. Decoy will help in Rifle season but not archery. If you aren't hunting on large private swath don't get overly picky, just because they are there on Wednesday doesn't mean they will be there on Thursday. Eastern Part of Cimmaron is more sectioned ag and western is larger range land tracts. Now that there is no check in required, make sure you bring ice when you leave town in the morning. Also don't leave blood on the cape or leave in bloody water, or blood will stain the white cape. Your average goat is going to be in the 60's, but we have killed a few in 80's. Good luck and congrats
We have private land access for Rifle and Archery. We thought about the Rita Blanca for archery so we can get on some grassland.
I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
I strongly endorse the decoy. Either a doe antelope or an black cow worked for us in NE New Mexico. It's crazy how they stand there and watch it, even with the hunter's head and shoulders showing above the back of the decoy.
I like the gutless method too. I don't just quarter them, I butcher them in the field. I take garbage bags to hold the meat. I pack it out and thenI put it in the ice chest with frozen milk jugs.

If you're traveling a long ways, buy a small freezer and generator.

Antelope don't like to cross fences. When I was young, my friend and I chased them around a section, without getting close. I told him the antelope would be thirsty, and to wait by the tank. He shot his at 80 yards.

If there are windmills, climbing up on one can help you see them. I drove by a herd hidden in a draw, but spotted them from the windmill.

I once got a buck to come in from over 400 yards to 300 by waving a plastic grocery bag taped to a cleaning rod. They are curious.
Duct tape works great for removing those tiny "hairlike" cactus quills. Also keep your hands@to yourself. I was bitten by a baby rattled when digging in a bulldozed brush pile to build a blind from cottonwood limbs near the powder river west of gillette. The bite proved to beharmless and I suffered no I'll after effects.

How they taste always depends on what they eat. My last one was grazing in a wheat field and tasted great.

I built a hanging rack that goes into the receiver hitch. It makes skinning easy. I like the idea of a tyvek ground cloth. I'll try that. eBay sells them for backpacker's ground cloths.

If you get lots of small cactus spines, pour Elmer's Glue on it and let it dry until it is rubbery. When you pull it off, all of the tiny spines come with it.

I found a military shirt at Goodwill that has built in elbow pads. It works great. When I'm crawling through grass, I'm always thinking about snakes.

If you do decide to gut yours, and are close to the truck, a bypass lopper is the best tool I've found for cutting through the pelvis.
Antelope are very curious so dont underestimate a light decoy to stalk behind even on a rifle hunt. I use the foldable from Ultimate Predator. Easily attached to shooting sticks and keeps your profile disguised while out in the open. Its not about just luring in rutting bucks. Also as many have mentioned, the best glass you can get. Your middle of the road binocs may work early in the morning, but quality glass is critical to judge horns once the heat waves start. Also once hes down have some good wipes to keep the blood off any white hair on the cape. Antelope hair is hollow and can stain from the blood. Dont soak it with a bunch of water though. Good luck and enjoy!
I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
First know your range limitations and have a good range finder. Some guys make the mistake of hauling around a 6-12" bipod, which you'll probably never use due to terrain and cactus. You'll need a good set of shooting sticks or tripod. For a young person you might one of the good clamp models which will allow the gun to move, bu eliminate the movement you don't want. I know some guys who swear by the Montana decoy cow decoy to allow them to get up really close without alarming the goats. You might want knee and elbow pads if you plan on crawling and good leather gloves. It goes without saying you need good binos, lots of water, sun screen and a brimmed hat for use until the final stalk.

Some say that goat hunting is a lot like long distance competition shooting—it is all about the set up. Have a great hunt—you'll love the meat!
Shot my first antelope in Wyoming in 1980. I used my brand new .270 Weatherby Mag, and had it loaded for Mule deer when we came upon the antelope. This was not expected. Shot and hit the goat 4 times. Yes sir , 4 times ,with the 150 Grn Speer Grand Slam bullets . A Premium Bullet back then. That's what was loaded in the rifle. The first shot was about 200 yards, the final shot was about 300 yards. When we recovered the antelope we saw the 4 exit holes. I learned a very sad Life time Lesson that day . Do not use Tough, Hard bullets on light game !! I have Never made that mistake again. I should have unloaded the rifle, and then used the 130 Grn Sierra GK loads I had with me for Antelope. Today my choice would be 130 Grn Nosler Ballistic tips, or Nolser130 Grn Accubonds.
I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
I grew up on the East Coast and hunted whitetail with a 30-30 open sights. 40 years ago moved to West Coast and now I hunt antelope every year and mule deer when I can.

the best advice anyone can give you is to practice shooting long range (out to at least 700 yards). I have access to a 700 and a 1000 yard ranges. In June, JuI go to one of them every week.

Two items you need are a good rifle and a good scope. I have a Cooper in 6.5 prc with a Swarovski on it. The scope only goes to 700 yards and I've killed antelope at 646 yards with it. I use a 300 win mag from GA Precision and nightforce nx8 2-20 scope that allows you to dial to about 1500 yards. I bought these setups many years ago when I decided that I wanted to hunt antelope often and I didn't want to get skunked.

You can do your Oklahoma hunt with a tikka and nightforce for a reasonable investment. Practice practice practice!
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