First time antelope hunt

No way would I take a decoy during rifle season. Decoys look like antelope. Hunters tend to shoot at a good distance and at 300 yards or so you can't tell if it's a decoy or antelope. Don't want your head on somebody's wall.
Great suggestion. Hunters can get the wrong ideas from TV hunting shows when you see a hunter walking with a "DECOY" in front of them. Someone with ELR experience might be in the next zip code and decide to shoot 1,000yd shot only to find out that the Loope was a real life size decoy.
I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
If you are not using a game cart but instead boning in the field, a good ground cloth in your pack will make a place to lay the meat as you butcher. I have used a cheap table. Cloth cut into 4 pieces but the best ones I've used were made from 3 foot square pieces of building wrap (tyvek). The texture of the building wrap and table cloths keep the meat fro m sticking to it unlike plastic wrap.
I carry fillet knives, sharpener, paper towels & wet wipes in my pack for cleanup after the butchering. Also the cheapest pillow cases at wallyworld make great sacks to pack your meat out in and help keep yourpack & pack frame clean
It may sound odd, but an old butcher who had cut up and processed many deer and antelope told me to wipe them down with apple cider vinegar. Claimed it would keep the hair from tainting the meat. Let set for 10 minutes or so and wipe or wash down with water. Been doing it for over 50 years and enjoyed every deer, antelope and elk ever killed.
I assume that's with the hide still on?
I assume that's with the hide still on?
Along with what others have mentioned I'll throw in Outdoor Edge knife, water, watch for snakes. I grew up in Cimarron County (Boise City) and have some friends that have farm/grass land. If you would like a few contacts, I can get numbers and pass along.
my rocky mountain elk foundation outdoor edge set has a small saw too and the plastic case fits easily in my pack.a saw may come in handy.
Antelope are not like deer or elk which have their metatarsal glands on their lower legs. Those glands on antelope are on their BACK, right between the tops of their hind quarters. Do NOT, I repeat Do NOT, touch this area with your hands or knives and then touch any meat. It will wreck your carcass. This is one more reason to get your animal skinned out or quartered the gutless method. All the best to you in your scouting and hunting.
I like the gutless method too. I don't just quarter them, I butcher them in the field. I take garbage bags to hold the meat. I pack it out and thenI put it in the ice chest with frozen milk jugs.

If you're traveling a long ways, buy a small freezer and generator.

Antelope don't like to cross fences. When I was young, my friend and I chased them around a section, without getting close. I told him the antelope would be thirsty, and to wait by the tank. He shot his at 80 yards.

If there are windmills, climbing up on one can help you see them. I drove by a herd hidden in a draw, but spotted them from the windmill.

I once got a buck to come in from over 400 yards to 300 by waving a plastic grocery bag taped to a cleaning rod. They are curious.

How they taste always depends on what they eat. My last one was grazing in a wheat field and tasted great.

I built a hanging rack that goes into the receiver hitch. It makes skinning easy. I like the idea of a tyvek ground cloth. I'll try that. eBay sells them for backpacker's ground cloths.

If you get lots of small cactus spines, pour Elmer's Glue on it and let it dry until it is rubbery. When you pull it off, all of the tiny spines come with it.

I found a military shirt at Goodwill that has built in elbow pads. It works great. When I'm crawling through grass, I'm always thinking about snakes.

If you do decide to gut yours, and are close to the truck, a bypass lopper is the best tool I've found for cutting through the pelvis.
I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
I have hunted both Montana&Wyoming for antelope. I say take a little as possible but a emergency package in case you have injury or something.warm weather keeps bugs snakes&the sun there.Wyoming always had wind but one time it didn't.flies drove me crazy after sweating so much!! a flat shooting rifle&scope is a need& a rest(tripod,bag etc,) sun glasses,binocs(8x40),most important is good boots. take a pair of ankle high shoe too! my liking is Merrill Mohabs(130$,.light&good for many mi.walk.take a pr. of innersoles,cushion socks(Thoralo etc.)camo jeans&shirts w/a sweatshirt or jacket, small backpack and bottles of water!! oh, glass wipes! dusty!! Dskiper
I have hunted whitetail since I was a boy and also other species including elk but this will be my first year to hunt Antelope. I am curious if there are any items I need to add to my pack or gear to be ready for this hunt? My youngest son drew a September rifle tag for the Oklahoma panhandle so we will be headed up there. Any help would be great!

i was thinking a fold up decoy for sure but unsure of other things we might need.
I drew out for the same hunt across the border in texas. I scouted 3 days and found that the antelope are pretty territorial. If you see them one day and do not run the off they will be close to the same place next day. Where I hunted they were very wary of vehicles but if you walk slow and do not pressure them they will come towards you many times. I shot mine at 328 but he started off as a spec on scope. I just sat down in tall grass and they came towards me. I had shooting sticks which I feel are a must. I also had a decoy but did not have time to put it together. The area is so open anyone looking could tell you were behind a decoy so would have used it if I had had more time. They also make cow decoys if you are not comfortable using antelope. Good luck.
Some kind of sled to drag them back to your vehicle with or they will be bald when you get there.A 5 gallon container of fresh water to wash all the blood and junk off the meat and paper towels to pat the meat dry.Packing the gut cavity with ice can actually make the meat spoil if the skin is still on.Get hung in a cooler as fast as possible.All the funky sage smell in the antelope is from the blood if you don't clean the cavity.Antelope meat is very good if taken care of right away.
Good info
This will be my first year to hunt antelope
1. Find the water !!! Use google earth to find water sources for antelope in the area you will be hunting. Skin, quarter and put on ice immediately, if you want the meat to be any good. Be prepared for 300 plus yd shots. If your crosshairs are moving find a better rest.


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