If you have an electronic level that is separate from the scope or not part of the reticle it could be an issue. It clearly says a battery operated reticle is allowed and that is exactly what it is. The function of the reticle and level are combined but in the end the reticle is lighted for the purpose of seeing the reticle. There is no officer or court that would be uphold a judgement against a hunter for using a leupold lighted reticle.
And the underlined quote from the rules is exactly what brought the discussion up and was confirmed by IDFG that the level is considered an illegal device:
With any electronic device attached to, or incorporated in, the firearm or scope; except scopes containing battery powered or tritium lighted reticles are allowed.
If you have an electronic level that is separate from the scope or not part of the reticle it could be an issue. It clearly says a battery operated reticle is allowed and that is exactly what it is. The function of the reticle and level are combined but in the end the reticle is lighted for the purpose of seeing the reticle. There is no officer or court that would be uphold a judgement against a hunter for using a leupold lighted reticle.