Wow. So many contradicting opinions. Makes it all the more confusing. I'll guess I'll just have to find what seems like a good deal on something and try it out. gun)
Yeah its getting really hard to figure things out with the number of internet cowboys talking in 6 different directions. There has been a lot of good advice in this thread along with some bs, easy for me to see but hard for someone asking the question.
Since every scope will have a detractor(98% of whom dont really have a clue), and you cant figure out which is which maybe we should go old school.
Drive to a city with lots of stores.
Look at every scope yoou can find outside of the store including reading tests etc./ (optic evaluation tests are all over the web)
Spend a minimum of 1 day on this and try to look at some value glass and some established glass.
Take your pick.
I am guessing your reluctance to buy a non traditional brand is because you havent looked at them. I would definitely get somewhere I could look thru everything or you wont be happy.
I have in the last 6 months looked thru leupold,sightron,vortex,bushnell.swarov,zeiss,leica,minox,IOR,weaver,nikon,nightforce,s&b,shepherd,tasco and probly a few others.
So when I tell you for the $$ you should look into a brand you might want to listen, of course then you get the guy who owns 2 scopes weighing in with his vast experience and you cant figure it out.
Go somewhere you can look at all of these and YOU make the choice since its obviously more important to bash a particular brand than to help you out, which is why I never ask questions on the net I just read oldf posts. Its easier to weed out the chaff.