trouble with Magneto speed

We got a same day reply to email from MS. They are sending a new display unit and we are sending our back. Passing in the mail. Can't ask for better.


That sure makes me feel better that you got a same day reply to your E mail. Lets me know where I stand. I am sure they will fix mine but looks like I will have to call them.
I finally decided to email magnetospeed today about my problem with the display and I got an email back within a couple hours. I was impressed by the speed of the response and content. I was asked for my address so a new display could be shipped with a return for my current one to send it back. VERY IMPRESSED!!!

tnwhip, from other responses to the thread it seems like they are very fast to respond... is there any chance you got a reply that went to your trash folder or that the address you emailed didnt get transposed? Have you called them yet? Just curious to see what your outcome is.
I finally decided to email magnetospeed today about my problem with the display and I got an email back within a couple hours. I was impressed by the speed of the response and content. I was asked for my address so a new display could be shipped with a return for my current one to send it back. VERY IMPRESSED!!!

tnwhip, from other responses to the thread it seems like they are very fast to respond... is there any chance you got a reply that went to your trash folder or that the address you emailed didnt get transposed? Have you called them yet? Just curious to see what your outcome is.[/QUOT

no I did not get anything, I guess I just got lost in the shuffle. I was to busy to call today but I will sometime this week.
Well I called them the morning of Sept. 28 they said that they would send me a shipping label . As of today I still have not received the shipping label. That is 8 days. It may come today I hope so I will be leaving in the morning and will be out of town for 2 weeks. I am so glad that everyone else has got quick service from them.
Well I called them the morning of Sept. 28 they said that they would send me a shipping label . As of today I still have not received the shipping label. That is 8 days. It may come today I hope so I will be leaving in the morning and will be out of town for 2 weeks. I am so glad that everyone else has got quick service from them.

I just got a label from another company to return an item and it came by email and I simply printed it. Could it have went to a spam folder? Just a thought.

The mail just came. A little slow but they don't make mules like old flora any more. It made it. They sent a new display box and I am boxing my old unit up and sending it back tomorrow before I leave. It got here just in time. I was going up to my cabin for a couple of weeks and was really wanting to use it. I will be working up some loads for a couple of rifles. I sure am glad it came today. I can reload on my porch and turn around and shoot off the bench. It is nice up there nobody to bother me and just concentrate on loading and shooting all day long.

Broz I did check my spam folder nothing from them. I don't know if they got my e mail or not but everything worked out alright it just took a while .
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