Problems with magneto speed

I consider a chronograph a tool for improving the consistency of a load. It is not the final word though. I have dealt with the different BC at different distances/velocities from the same load and find that I still have to establish the true BC of a bullet other than the manufactures Advertised BC.

Most Of the time factory BC,s are established under Ideal conditions and are rarely the same in your environment. So I prefer to use a chronograph for load development and then with the most consistent
and accurate load I will shoot at distances up to 600 yards and get the trajectory to find the true BCs that match the trajectories for my conditions.

Once the True BCs are found, you can use these with ballistic programs and get very good results.

I use two different kinds of chronographs and under stand their strong points and weak points (All chronographs have them) and as long as they are accurate and consistent they do a great job.
The advantage of owning two chronographs is that if I think one is acting up I can switch to the other one to check It.

I'm not pushing any brand of chronograph so it matters not which one a person uses as long as he gets what HE wants from it. Chronographs are invaluable as far as I am concerned and they have saved me tons of loading components and barrel wear looking for a good loads. They have also forced me to improve my loading skills and equipment.

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I recently had an issue with a sporter model that I bought three years ago from LRHS.
The display had an issue and I was thinking about buying a Lab radar but sent the unit into them and they replaced the display(newer version) at no cost. If your still having trouble contact Ryan Hey and [email protected]
Just wanted to do an update. I contacted Ryan directly by email. He sent me a new unit and it is working as it should. For some reason my attempt at using the web page didn't get through to them. As soon as they got my email they were on it. I'm happy to report they have excellent customer service.
I have the V3. Never had a single problem with mine ever. Not with the cables etc. I usually have it out every other time I go shooting. Use it for my AR's 6.5, .308. I think either it's not set up properly or it's just bad.
I have seen this before and once personally when I tried the shoot an arrow through sky screens. fortunately Ohler replaced it at no charge and even updated the screens. I have seen a few Magneto Speeds with bayonet damage on the tip from setting up on a fast tapered barrel that angled the Bayonet upwards. It cleared the back but didn't clear the front. This is the reason I like to use the cleaning rod through the bore that shows the relationship between the bore and the bayonet.

This also could be the cause for any error in velocity. I have had mine a long time and have not had any problems with anything. when checked using the Ohler 35 p it is spot on. so the setup is important for consistency and longevity.

Sometimes I use a paper shim in the front of the attachment to make the bayonet level with the bore. Have been thinking about tapering one of the inserts to compensate for the taper.

Well I got my Magnetospeed for Christmas and thought Id strap it on and check it out. It powers up normally but when i connect to the bayonnet and try to adjust sensitivity it says that the "Bayo is not connected". Ive tried both jacks on the bayonnet and made sure that it was fully plugged in but no luck. Tried calling magnetospeed but I guess they are at the Shot Show and wont be back till next week. A friend suggested downloading the new firmware but it wont download on my PC or laptop even after downloading Hex reading software. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
I have read that sometimes there is a cable problem. This was the first thing that Ryan suggested when I contacted them. Send him an email and I bet they send you new cables.
[email protected]
My Magnetospeed has worked great when used in comfortable temperatures. It's a V3. When I use it in single digit or teen temps the velocity measured is higher than what I expect. I wrote to the company and got a response which informed me the higher velocity is to be expected when the gun/ammo is cold. Never heard that before.

There are a number of adjustments available in the unit. If I get a little time I'll look at the manual to see if something might help.

Have you changed the batteries?
Had the same issue with my MagnetoSpeed V3. Velocities were above what was listed on the store-bought box of ammo I was using by several hundred fps. Temps. were in the high 20s.
I have a friend with the Lab Radar and we we have had issues with it. Both in firing and getting readings. They seem to be very hard on batteries as mentioned too. As far as readings my V3 seems to work well and shows no battery use at all.
Both are designed for one basic thing tell you the velocity of your bullet. Both take a few moments to set up but do their given jobs well. I went with the V3 for higher speed loads and the lower cost.
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