Problems with magneto speed

Lol I just learned to tie my own shoes yesterday. Maybe that is my problem. Of course if the company would return my phone call that might help too. I've not had much luck with mine.
The Magnetospeed is a fine chronograph and hard to beat. Velocity readings will be just as accurate as Labradar.
I like the Magnetospeed cause it is more transportable and easier to use when shooting prone or in field conditions. It is much smaller and lighter. A battery in a Magnetospeed will last forever. Labradar drains batteries quickly and you even have to get an external battery pack like those you charge cellphone with. So I would not feel slighted if I found a magnetospeed under the tree this Christmas at all.
About the only drawback to the Magnetospeed is you need to be able to tie your own shoes to use it. But that is the case with a lot of things.

Thank you! Appreciate the info. I was feeling like I got last years model and i should return my present. I used one when shooting long distance and it seemed easy and convenient for range shooting.
My Magnetospeed has worked great when used in comfortable temperatures. It's a V3. When I use it in single digit or teen temps the velocity measured is higher than what I expect. I wrote to the company and got a response which informed me the higher velocity is to be expected when the gun/ammo is cold. Never heard that before.

There are a number of adjustments available in the unit. If I get a little time I'll look at the manual to see if something might help.

Have you changed the batteries?

While I have generally seen identical results between my LabRadar and early model MS, I have experienced increased velocities at freezing temps with my MS. When I have run loads at the same low temperature with both units simultaneously, my MS has been as much as 30FPS higher then the LabRadar. Thought it might be caused by the cold weather effecting the power with the MS.
While I have generally seen identical results between my LabRadar and early model MS, I have experienced increased velocities at freezing temps with my MS. When I have run loads at the same low temperature with both units simultaneously, my MS has been as much as 30FPS higher then the LabRadar. Thought it might be caused by the cold weather effecting the power with the MS.

Im in Florida so temp probably wont be a factor. In your case the cold might be affecting the doppler performance as it will decrease battery power and from what Ive heard it is pretty voltage sensitive and kills batteries quickly at normal temperatures. Dont take this as gospel. just a possible explanation based on some things that Ive read.
i have a magneto speed v3. Every time I use it I get "seven shot error Sensor 1 misread" It will read about 1 out of 4-5 shots.

I called the company got a recording said leave your info and they would call you back. Been waiting about 2 months now.

I think my distance to the bayonet is correct. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I have the V2 and it works great as long as I position the bayonet close to the bore. I found that pushing the cleaning rod through and using it as a setup gauge was more consistent. With the cleaning rod laying in the bottom of the bore it makes a good gauge and I can get it close but not to close.

The other thing would be to run through the Menu to verify the settings. I have used mine for pistol, rifle, shotgun and bow and some changes have to be made to make it work.

If this doesn't work, try the manufacture and make sure you talk to someone. Good luck !!!!

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While I have generally seen identical results between my LabRadar and early model MS, I have experienced increased velocities at freezing temps with my MS. When I have run loads at the same low temperature with both units simultaneously, my MS has been as much as 30FPS higher then the LabRadar. Thought it might be caused by the cold weather effecting the power with the MS.
Slow powders once they get down to very low temps can spike pressure. There are a few threads of Rum shooters who locked up their rifles shooting retumbo in the cold. I was told about this when inquiring about the creed and rl 26. I don't know the cause or the term to use to describe it. However it sounded very similar to when slow powders bridge and create extreme over pressure
Try new cables ?? Some of them don't last 40 shots and I start getting bad connection readings. Get some spares !!
Slow powders once they get down to very low temps can spike pressure. There are a few threads of Rum shooters who locked up their rifles shooting retumbo in the cold. I was told about this when inquiring about the creed and rl 26. I don't know the cause or the term to use to describe it. However it sounded very similar to when slow powders bridge and create extreme over pressure
Yes, I have seen this. I have found it mostly when loads are compressed/slightly compressed. Backing off the charge a bit to eliminate compression seems to eliminate the effect. I'm pretty sure my Magnetospeed is producing high readings since my drops at 800-1000 yards confirm at the Lab Radar readings producing 30FPS less. My bayonet position of the MS is identical to prior settings when readings matched between the MS and LR. My MS has been well used, and I can see that the flat surface of the bayonet shows surface/blast wear. Perhaps this is effecting results?
Tagging in..... ha ha!
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