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To float or not to float barrel

Never done anything but free-float every barrel, no exceptions.
I believe in letting the barrel resonate freely.
It's a matter of load development, finding the correct harmonic node (yes, I ascribe to OCW).
I'd go with a tuner before barrel pressure-points if fine tuning is needed.

Well heck I might as well throw my opinion in too. Free float at least 2 business cards thick on wood stocks and fore get the dollar bill trick. Bed tang, lug and about 1 inch into barrel shank. All my rifles this way except for a 300 WM # 6 contour 26 in. with brake setting on a bi-pod with tension on bi-pod. About half way between sling swivel and fore end of stock bed only bottom of stock channel (not sides) 1 inch. Helped that particular rifle.
Generally float - wood stocks can warp and I have only seen 1 rifle that did not have an accuracy improvement upon floating - that is my .375 & I thought full contact with its #5 barrel would decrease recoil forces on stock near recoil lug (cross bolt fashioned with epoxy glued machine screw just aft of recoil lug recess) and tang having .063 back clearance from stock. Laminated stock with 1/8 epoxy below barrel. A real sharp slammer with 250's at 2,800 fps.

Apparently consistent barrel vibes are more likely with free float barrels.

Another advantage for me is that the free float allows a wet doubled paper towel to be passed between stock & barrel to cool and remove dust & crud. Following that a dry paper towel mops up any water followed by a small shot of Hornady One- Shot on a paper towel to finish the job & prevent any corrosion. The insides of the stock are coated with stock finish.

So much for perfect hair line wood to metal fit - I can live with that.
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Update. It was pushed up so hard changed impact 1" @ 100. I floated barrel and bed action. Spent about 6hr over 2 days working on it. Really took my time and the results. You be the judge. Was shooting 1.25" group or so. No pic lol. Now 1st pic @100 second @250. Same load. I'm super happy.


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