Titanium muzzle brakes sneak peek

I agree with the top notch machining and great price. I think you'd probably do decent with a standard 5 port like your self timer that could be timed and contoured by a Smith also. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the look of the self timers. Any brands of them really unless the barrel is large enough to blend into it somewhat. Although the ease of installation is appealing.
I agree with the top notch machining and great price. I think you'd probably do decent with a standard 5 port like your self timer that could be timed and contoured by a Smith also. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the look of the self timers. Any brands of them really unless the barrel is large enough to blend into it somewhat. Although the ease of installation is appealing.

that's what my 5 port Ti pro brake is. It's made to be blended to a proof sendero contour or anything else between .99" down to .9". Exact same porting as the self timer.
Thanks livetohunt on advice.
My brake on 375HH
Test will be in a week or so.


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I might have missed it but your self timed 5 port brake what's the dia of it? My carbon barrel is 1" at the muzzle and want something pretty close to that? Do you have 3 or 4 port selftimed brakes ?
It is .99". Here is a pic of it on one of my 5 port non self timers one of the Oregon carbon barrels at 1". They are the same brake, just one is self timing one is not.

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I sold quite a few of the self timers to guys on this forum... I'm looking for some more photos of them on rifles if anyone who has one is willing to post some photos of them that would be awesome!

Thanks guys!
Here's my 30 nosler, crux ti long action, xlr magnesium chassis, 26" proof 9tw. Prior to Ken's brake, I have a piercision 3 port muscle, this new brake has a lot more recoil reduction, half the weight, and is only 1/4" longer.
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I have one designed but have not made it yet. I'm also Working on a self timer in as small a diameter as I can get for 1/2-28 threads and smaller.
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