Titanium muzzle brakes sneak peek

When you get something made hit me up. I plan on putting it on a carry/hunting .33XC, if it will tame that recoil then I can't see how anyone can argue it's ability. I don't care where the first port is pointing, I want as much recoil reduction as possible.
All very good points.
I believe he also sent me a .338 caliber threaded in 5/8 24. I had planned on trying it a a light .358 Norma mag when the smith was done but I do have a .338 Lapua improved savage 110 stealth I can try it on this week. I could give you a good idea on how it would work bravo. I'm kinda curious now as my 375 sports a large painkiller which works but is twice the size of this.
Ya, I'm in for another 5/8-24 6.5mm brake... the last one i bought from your looks and works great on my lightweight Xanthos AR!
Count me in on a 3/4-24 .338 brake also. The current 6 oz brake on my 32" 338 Edge barrel is a little too heavy
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Well was able to fit up the .338 to my Lapua improves today for some testing tomorrow.
It's much shorter than the factory so will be neat to see how it compares.


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Well on a super nice sunny day that I should have been bear hunting or fishing, I was in the shop. I got the Ti Pro prototypes finished up. Weight will be really close to what I was thinking when they are turned down to a .9" diameter.

If you turn it down to .9" for the 28" proof barrel in say a .308 plus clearance I'm guessing weight will be around 1.7oz.

2 oz is pretty good for a 5 port brake that's just shy of 1" diameter... and they are only 2.1"OAL
Well on a super nice sunny day that I should have been bear hunting or fishing, I was in the shop. I got the Ti Pro prototypes finished up. Weight will be really close to what I was thinking when they are turned down to a .9" diameter.

If you turn it down to .9" for the 28" proof barrel in say a .308 plus clearance I'm guessing weight will be around 1.7oz.

2 oz is pretty good for a 5 port brake that's just shy of 1" diameter... and they are only 2.1"OAL
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It looks great!
Well on a super nice sunny day that I should have been bear hunting or fishing, I was in the shop. I got the Ti Pro prototypes finished up. Weight will be really close to what I was thinking when they are turned down to a .9" diameter.

If you turn it down to .9" for the 28" proof barrel in say a .308 plus clearance I'm guessing weight will be around 1.7oz.

2 oz is pretty good for a 5 port brake that's just shy of 1" diameter... and they are only 2.1"OAL
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That looks good to me, now hurry and do the self-indexing version. 😇
Well was able to fit up the .338 to my Lapua improves today for some testing tomorrow.
It's much shorter than the factory so will be neat to see how it compares.
The factory Savage .338 Lapua brake is ok (I have 2) but your new Salmon River brake should noticeably out do it.
I got my 5 port self timing brake designed. Only plan on offering a 5 port design as my design allows for 5 ports in a much smaller length than anything else out there.

Specs below

.99" OD,
2.325" OAL (will add roughly 1.8" to the end of barrel)
5/8-24 thread
Can be supplied for any clearance bore diameter from 6.5mm up to .375.
Weight will be approx 2.3 oz.
Wrench flats for tightening down.

Will post up pics when I get them made.
Wanted to do a sneak peek on the Ti muzzle brakes that Salmon River Solutions has in the works. Our goal is to provide ultralight brakes that have great recoil reduction but don't add a lot of length to the barrel. These brakes are designed with back angled ports for maximum recoil reduction, and gas splitters at the beginning of each port to force gas into the ports.

The only ones I have machined so far is the large 3 port slab brake. it is 1.2" in dia, and .88" thick (flat to flat). it is 1.875" OAL and will only add approx 1.375" to a barrel. Its weight comes in at 1.8 oz. I am sending out prototypes for testing today. This will only be in 5/8-24 threads. Will work for 6.5mm up to .375. I made this set of 4 with top ports, but that will be optional.

I just finished up the design for a smaller 4 port slab brake that will be available in 5/8-24, 9/16-24 and 1/2-28. It is 1.85" OAL, .9 dia, and .75" thick. weight will be under 1.5 oz. Will work with bores from 6.5mm up to .338.

Also finished the design for a featherweight/sporter style standard 4 port round brake. It finishes at .7" dia. and can be turned down to .6" dia. for blending. OAL is only 1.725 and will add approx 1.25" to the barrel length. Recommended for bores .243 up to .308, but can go up to .338. Weight will be around 1 oz.

Also have a self timing brake in the works but the design is in its infancy.

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What's your recommended brake for a sendero profile carbon barrel. Building a lightweight 6.5-284 rifle. Would like the option for a brake. Thanks. John
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