Tired of loose pockets? I WAS but not no more!
A modified RCBS press mounted swager allows you to adjust and control the amount of crimp.
No more whacking your balls!
I've used that method. Have you???? It's pathetic compared to the ball bearing method. Oh that's right..., you couldn't know. Because you don't subscribe to either method, and have never done anything much other than rely on the opinion of other equally inexperienced 'experts'!
If the 'experts' don't subscribe to this practice over on the Sniper's Hide, Big Ed don't do it.
If the 'experts' over on the accurateshooter forum were experts, they'd know what I know on this subject. But they don't, because they're internet arm chair experts that lay on the blather to make one another feel good. Oh Lord, Kumbuya... Let's all hold hands. I refer to that forum as the accurateloser forum. Their feelings are more easily hurt, and more quickly, than yours. Poor souls.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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