Thinking of reloading

You can easily save enough money to justify it. Especially if you like real powder burners and expensive cartridges. It also tends to make me buy more expensive cartridges because reloading can justify them. Components are a little hard to find right now but that's part of the fun.
It's gotten to be like the children's game of Hide and Seek!
Components Hide while you must Seek.
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My wife once asked how much I had spent (I call it investing) on my reloading "stuff." I did not have the nerve to add it up. I just said "Not a whole lot". Then I added " It is like the days when we had cameras with film - one day your relialize you spent more on film than on the camera sytsem itself."
As soon as they get the vaccines out and folks get immune to covid the powder and primer shops will restart full on powder and primer making and maybe soon there will be an excess so you buy way more than you need for times like this.I thought I had more than I needed but I was wrong.
I started reloading in the 1960's with a hand loader and frankly I can't imagine NOT reloading.
Old Rooster
How many 100s or 1,000s of round does it take for the economics of it to make sense?
For me, the economics don't make sense. Not even close. Like many others here I got into reloading to enhance the performance of my firearms while learning just how things work (or don't work). Until times get better (note my confidence) I'd like to recommend that you check out the following website and the YouTube videos specific to Sam's 'Precision Rifle Load Development Series'.

For me, the economics don't make sense. Not even close. Like many others here I got into reloading to enhance the performance of my firearms while learning just how things work (or don't work). Until times get better (note my confidence) I'd like to recommend that you check out the following website and the YouTube videos specific to Sam's 'Precision Rifle Load Development Series'.

Great recommendation on Sam's reloading series, I've watched it a couple times myself ... great info there for both newbies and experienced hand loaders!
Best handloading tool you can get ever! Sz 2x

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