Thinking of trying a new die set

I used mostly lee and rcbs dies when I first started hand loading and now I'm switching over most of mine to redding first set of redding dies were 308 win and next set was 300 wsm and now I cant remember how many sets of redding dies that I've switch over to.I really like that the redding dies seem smother and do better job at resizing the brass and every rcbs die set except for my 270 wsm set scratches my brass far as any other dies I would like to try a set of hornady custom dies with the micrometer on it.but like I said I really like my redding dies but that's just my opinion
I would have to look at the kit description but it should have what you need to get started.
I will let you know about the Forster dies when I get them
Thanks Old Rooster. Meanwhile I'm try to find out what the Ballistics are on a 300 Weatherby shooting Norma 180gr ORYX zeroed at 300 yards. I'd like to know the BC too, and can't find neither of that information no where . Good Thanks giving Day to you and every day is Thanks giving day.
Headed West I use Redding die's,I own RCBS and Hornady dies as well.
I will try Forster dies soon just to see if my groups tighten up but I expect they won't.
What kind of groups are you looking for with cal; distance ;bullet; ? I'm just trying to grt into your mind..
motrapper are you seeing the difference in group reduction?
Definitely more consistent groups as in almost No flyers / outliers
Before I would have 1 or 2 in 10 or so 3 to 5 shot groups Now maybe 1 in 10 to 15 groups.
Also see more consistency beyond 600yds
Was not dissatisfied with the others dies just bought some new rifles and tried something different.
What kind of groups are you looking for with cal; distance ;bullet; ? I'm just trying to grt into your mind..
Headed West I get great groups already with my main 300 win mag and 180 gr Nosler Accubonds but every now and then I do get a flier.
Maybe 1 out of 6-8 rounds at the most and some times I can shoot 20 rounds with no flier.I can't figure it out so I will try the Forster and see if I can reduce that occasional flier to zero.
Motrapper feels the Forster dies reduce fliers and that's good enough for me to try them out.
I can't find them right now but with hunting season coming to an end here in Montana I may be able to find them soon
Hey all,

I currently use mostly redding dies and have no complaints. I mostly reload 308, 7 RM, 300WM, 300WSM, 270 and 6.5. I use standard dies with the add-on micrometer. I do have one set of type S dies. I have no reason to change I guess other than to try something different. I have been thinking of the Forester FL and Seating (with micrometer). Any thoughts? I mostly load for hunting but may start doing some long range stuff with my 308.
The Forster FL dies are my preference, especially when honed to my spec, which Forster does for a nominal fee. Their micrometer seating die is outstanding as well.

Headed West I get great groups already with my main 300 win mag and 180 gr Nosler Accubonds but every now and then I do get a flier.
Maybe 1 out of 6-8 rounds at the most and some times I can shoot 20 rounds with no flier.I can't figure it out so I will try the Forster and see if I can reduce that occasional flier to zero.
Motrapper feels the Forster dies reduce fliers and that's good enough for me to try them out.
I can't find them right now but with hunting season coming to an end here in Montana I may be able to find them soon
Sounds good Old Rooster
I have the redding micrometer dies now and will try the Forster brand.
Right before our hunting season began I shot a great group measured with a ruler at 3/8 of an inch.Thats not a bad group but if I can get rid of any fliers the cost is an investment and would be worth it to me
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