The Most DISSAPOINTING Bullet there ever was...

I've been thinking about this. As they say that won't get me to far. 😂 Last night I was thing twist rate was to fast. Your are using Long Range bullets. I don't have any experience those types bullets. I believe that you have the twist rate to go to all copper bullets like Hammer bullets. I have been impressed on how they are built. Agin I having used them yet, but this summer I think I'll get the chance to use them with a rifle that has the twist rate needed to do the job this summer. I have a 2nd being built, but won't see it until next year. So I'll keep watching and reading. My come across something that may help.
Some rifle just don't like some bullets, and I have come across that over the year.
This is a great place to read and learn. So good some bad.
I've tried Hammers with mixed results. I haven't found them to be as easy to tune as some folks have or would like you to believe.

Mixed enough results that I looked elsewhere for monos. Cutting Edge Lazers are by far the easiest I've ever found to tune. Badlands have been pretty easy too.
I've tried Hammers with mixed results. I haven't found them to be as easy to tune as some folks have or would like you to believe.

Mixed enough results that I looked elsewhere for monos. Cutting Edge Lazers are by far the easiest I've ever found to tune. Badlands have been pretty easy too.

I only half kid. I bought myself some hammers to test, no hate here either way but I will say the number of people here who so vocally trash the 6.5 creed because they're annoyed at how it's supporter$ and creators act like it's rendered all that came before it inferior, even obsolete…only to act like every bullet that isn't a hammer isn't worthy and has been usurped and should be replaced….well it's amusing anyway….
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I only half kid. I bought myself some hammers to test, no hate here either way but I will say the number of people here who so vocally trash the 6.5 creed because they're annoyed at how it's supporter$ and creators act like it's rendered all that came before it inferior, even obsolete…only to act like every bullet that isn't a hammer isn't worthy and has been usurped and should be replaced….well it's amusing anyway….
What the heck is with the dang censorship here!!!??? I'm not even using profanity. I used the term "fan. Boys. " as one word and it was corrected to "supporters". That's ****ing ridiculous!!!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

I did not intend to write supporters. I'm talking about FANBOOOOOOOOYS here!
Remington JSP 240 gr meant for 44 Magnum at pistol velocity. They decided it was a grand idea to load them in 444 Marlin at one point too. I have had them completely shed the jacket from a 20" Marlin 1894 and not even fully penetrate a single water jug during testing. They would go in one side of a plastic jug and not out the other. Still have the recovered bullets somewhere.

I too will throw shade to the older monolithic bullets i.e. older Barnes X and GMX. These do not group for me at all and my hunting/shooting buddies will all agree. We all quit using Barnea. Havent used enough of the newer stuff like the CX and the ETip to weight in on those.
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Remington core lok have hated them for over 25yrs. My friends always shot them and I always had to track for them.
Aso am not a fan of Eldx, have seen many sub par performance from them From friends animals.gernading and jacket seperation.
I have killed one antelope with berger hybrid, once again not impressed.

I do not believe the " well it killed it, didnt it" theory. . I want a bullet to hold together and do as its designed. Enter, mushroom, and exit or get trapped under the offside hide.
I find a linear correlation between those who can't shoot and those who chose Corelokt.

I should know, I used to shoot them too😅
I find a linear correlation between those who can't shoot and those who chose Corelokt.

I should know, I used to shoot them too😅
In various calibers, I still have about 1,000 or so "old" Core-Lokt bullets from the mid 90's, when I was operating my ammo reman business. I loaded a lot of these and other brands of bulk bullets in those days, and it was always "hit or miss", pun intended, in the accuracy department. Some guns and loads liked them and some did not, but those loads did sell to the majority of hunters/shooters desiring a cheaper hunting or plinking load.

I have a few hundred of the new Tipped Core-Lokt bullets in 6mm, and so far, they shoot very well in my 243's and 6mm's. They seem to be much improved over the old cousins.
Nosler ABLR UNTIL I actually listened to Nosler recommendations and set the COAL exactly to their recommendations. They need a a freaking mile for jump. Shot fine not great but acceptable. Still so dang fussy, traded most off but kept some for fire forming.

In various calibers, I still have about 1,000 or so "old" Core-Lokt bullets from the mid 90's, when I was operating my ammo reman business. I loaded a lot of these and other brands of bulk bullets in those days, and it was always "hit or miss", pun intended, in the accuracy department. Some guns and loads liked them and some did not, but those loads did sell to the majority of hunters/shooters desiring a cheaper hunting or plinking load.

I have a few hundred of the new Tipped Core-Lokt bullets in 6mm, and so far, they shoot very well in my 243's and 6mm's. They seem to be much improved over the old cousins.
Aren't the tipped corelokt just a rebranded Sierra Gamechanger?
47 years of hunting experience and Reading post like these just makes me scratch my head and do the eyebrow raise like Spock!
Exactly! Many on here that I shoot and will continue to do so. Never ask a bullet to do something that it wasn't designed for and you shouldn't have any issues but this would be a much shorter thread in that case.
Exactly! Many on here that I shoot and will continue to do so. Never ask a bullet to do something that it wasn't designed for and you shouldn't have any issues but this would be a much shorter thread in that case.
I think the problem arises when bullets do not perform as they were design intended and as advertized. Many hunters and shooters have experienced bullet failures of various types, failure to expand, jacket failures, explosive expansion with little penetration, poor Q&A, undersized and oversized bullets, etc, etc.

These past failures and reports to the manufactures often lead to improved designs and Q&A that we see and use today. I know in my 60 or so years of hunting and shooting, I have experienced and witnessed more than a few bullet failures of various types. Some bullets had far more reports of failures than others, and thus, those were either improved or even ceased from production.

And don't get me started on handgun bullets and their failures............