The 25th Amendment

Trump for 2024!


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They 'counted' 80 million votes for Brandon. No one cast 80 million votes for that *** or the Clown World that followed.

I'm not gonna write a dissertation on politics & control, but sometimes one needs to leave something behind, just in case there's a possibility anyone 'might' become a bit more enlightened.

Trump has absolutely zero friends on this forum. If you don't believe that ... send him a plane ticket and an invitation to dinner at your place ... and see if you even get a response. He'd probably ban guns if he thought he could get away with it.

Did anyone's taxes go down on his watch? Mine certainly didn't.
Did he "Lock her up!!"? Hell no. He dropped the whole thing after he got elected.
Were you forced to take a vaccination you didn't want or need? Did Operation Warp Speed land it on your doorstep?
Did Trump rile-up a mob and lead it on January 6th? Or did he set it on autopilot and watch and wring his hands in hope from a distance?

These are not small anecdotal things I listed. These are things I would bludgeon him with.

We live in a country with a population that exceeds 350,000,000 people. I'll guarantee you there are at least 10,000,000 people out there who would make a better President for us than Donald Trump. When you figure out why he's not running against 'just' 50 of those, please come and tell me your thoughts. Like frikkin' Eye-Patch McStain, you ... can't ... trust ... any of them. They're all bought and paid for. If they weren't bought and paid for ... they'd never get on a ballot.

The government of the United States is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We all need to recognize that ... and remember it ... anytime the subject of politics arises. You better establish comms with the people to your left and right. If you can't talk to your teammates it is YOU who have caused yourself to be singled-off and easy prey. Until the time comes ... keep your powder dry.
There is this argument as well. People are willing to 'simp' for their favorite politician to the point where they WANT govt. to take control of everything and do nothing themselves.

No, he didn't lock her up, but it would've been nice. There's always been a teired justice system. As George Carlin once said, "its a club and you're not in it". Trump won't go to jail for what he's done and the current or his son won't either.

As far as your taxes question, no my taxes were high, but under the current admin we have higher taxes in the form of inflation. Personally I would rather pay a few extra cents on the dollar VS double the full cost of what it was a couple of years ago. There is no free lunch in anything.

Im more right leaning in values/thinking, but I think most of the politicians on both sides are idiots. I can't remember where I found it(to give proper credit), but I read someone saying that politics is Hollywood for ugly people(referring to all the nonsense and drama). All things get said, and everyone cheers their side with a "ooooh, they sure showed them with that statement", but nothing changes. I'm starting to realize that both parties are 2 sides of the same coin and they act like stereotypical parents. One says "EAT YOUR VEGETABLES!!" while the other says "here comes the airplane!". The end destination will be the same, just diffent paths taken.
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I have heard this term frequently, most often just after February 2nd, Frequently used to describe erratic & forgetful behavior.

"as goofy as a wood chuck"

Is this Disparagement? Inflammatory? Demeaning?

He thinks it is & disapproves. PGA endorsed & protected by a foot or so of concrete and several feet of dirt. Just as stupid as real life events.

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The law is the law! no exceptions everyone must be treated the same Their double standards make me sick
Absolutely. Many things SHOULD be a certain way, but they're not. Killary destroyed thousands of emails and hard drives AFTER the feds had requested them for evidence and she still walks free. Any of us try that, well I'll let you use your imagination of what would happen. It sucks, but it's the world we live in 😞
The abortion issue is much bigger than most would ever think, and maybe end up being a deal killer for any Republican.
Always found the desire to kill babies because of their bad life choices(or inability to keep it in their pants) odd, but meh. I think giving the power to the states was a good move IMO
This can't and won't stand. I would bet anything the wheels are in motion by the Dems on just how to dump Biden. But he is a product of their own making. My best guess is Biden is offered the choice to resign or go through the 25th Amendment process. Either way, he's gone and Harris takes over. She is just so giddy that she doesn't realize she'll be kicked to the curb at the convention also. Then it's anybody's guess who they run.
Beware everyone Douglass345 is a scammer .
Don't buy anything from him
Saw this last year....
...and if you didn't see what happened as he was walking into the Address last nite...he stopped and said to Jerry Nad's'less'......."I'm not incompetent"...
Which means the FBI lied again saying they "can't charge him because he is incompetent".......
Double standards still running amok in the FBI......time to get rid of the FBI and
CIA......put all the past and current leaders in prison for their betrayal of the 'oath they have taken how many times'....and illegal uses of public funds to covertly destroy the USA......

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