Ups store hates the 2nd amendment?

OK Eddybo and Jimbo You 2 know I'm a UPS employee so you have two options. First, come to the terminal in McComb or go online, set up an account (which is free). Then you can hand your package to any UPS man or bring to the UPS store and say you are dropping off for a friend and, if asked, that you don't know what is in the box.

I thought you might chime in and get us straightened out.:D
I have a friend that does stock work, he moved and hadn't set up his account for the new address so he tried to send 4 or 5 stocks from the nearest UPS store they took the stocks and gave him his tracing numbers, after 5 days he had several customers asking where their stocks were, he ran the tracking numbers and found they were still at the UPS store. He went right down to the store and found they hadn't been sent. because of store policy, he asked why he hadn't been notified since his address and phone number were on the box's. They just got nasty. complaints to UPS headquarters did no good.
He doesn't have problems with the pick up now but he sure hates the UPS store.
I just do like the Russkies do, everything I ship is TRACTOR PARTS...everything. They arent gonna open it or x-ray it so I figger it's not their business what's in my boxes. USPS is almost as bad as the counter workers all THINK they know the regs, but they really REALLY dont. As long as I dont ship battery acid or black powder then it's none of their business. Not sure how Fedex is but I'd bet they have the same misguided understanding of the rules.
How about this:

Why doesn't someone who has a copy of the pertinent regulations from UPS, USPS, FedX, DHL or other shippers post a copy of the regs so that we can keep a copy with us when we try to ship our "plumbing supplies"?

It might help a few of us in the future.
Why bother with UPS? I set up an account online with FedEx - takes all of 2 minutes, maybe.

I package - print the shipping label - smack it on the box - "click" I need a pick-up, and they show up later the same day. I've never had a rifle (approx weight 8 lbs) ship 2nd Day Air for more than $25.00. You can enter your email - and the person you're shipping to - and you both get emails on shipment every step of the way!

No - I don't work for FedEx! lightbulb
No joke - UPS store turned me away for trying to ship a scope! Here's to FedEx!!! The FedEx helped me wrap the last gun a I shipped!
NECROPOST, I love them lets roll with it, I took a gunstock in there once and the girl freeked out and was all like " is that a gun"? I said no its a pice of wood do you have a box it will fit in, she had to get the manager cause she thought it was a gun. I use the post office.
One is unionized (UPS) and one are free to make their own voting decision without their pay being extorted (FedEx) - but I'm sure that make NO difference. Shipped another weapon by FedEx just this morning! :)
I just shipped an action from my UPS store. I was a little worried, but they say they ship guns all the time.

But, if it is anything but an actual firearm, I call it a "tractor part".

I believe KRP is correct. UPS stores are franchises and can set nearly any policy they want.

Luckily mine is friendly, since I don't have a terminal close by.

x2 on the tractor parts. my thinkin is as long as it aint hazmat or nuclear its none of their **** business what i send and the ups and the govt both can go to he!!.
I have a Krieghoff K-80 that I had to ship for some tube work. Fed-Ex was more than happy to help me pack it and ensure that I had it insured properly. Got to and from without a hitch.

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