TC Impact trigger, free floating, and bedding

Interesting project. I glass bedded my Knight Long Range Hunter and it really helped. I've considered the pillars. My only question is why did you choose JB Weld over brazing them in place. JB is a good product but I wonder if it will stand up to the recoil.
Well all, I finished the built of my Remington 700 smokeless muzzleloader. This thing is awesome! I was out shooting it this weekend and was extremely impressed with its capabilities. It is pushing a 275 gr Parker Match Hunter at 2750 FPS with aprox 5,000 foot lb kinetic energy. I cannot wait to shoot a deer with it this year!
Rem 700 ML action
Pacnor 1-22" twist, 26" long
Modified savage breech plug
Warne tactical base
Vortex Viper 6.5-20x44
B&C varmint stock
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