TC Impact trigger, free floating, and bedding

Those groups were actually prior to doing any modifications. Only thing aftermarket was the spin jag I used to load the bullets.
Sorry for the photos being inverted. I do not know why that keeps happening. I cleaned all of the burrs off of the reciever today to prep for glass bedding.

photo 2-2.jpg
I also completed the trigger clean up and all I can say is... WOW. What a huge difference. I am going to measure it but it is unbalievably crisp and breaks with no creep. I let a buddy pull the trigger on it and he was absolutely shocked. I polished the trigger, sear, and all pins. Then applied a lied film of grease to all contacting points.

photo 4-4.jpg

photo 5-2.jpg


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Well I sat down last night, drank a cold one and installed the pillar in the butt stock. Nothing too exciting to look at butt i figured i would document. I used the same type original JB WELD.
photo 1.jpg
Pillar coated in epoxy
photo 2-3.jpg
pillar support in butt stock coated in epoxy
photo 3.jpg
installed pillar and secured
photo 4.jpg
Be sure to clean up any excess that sqeezes out!
photo 5.jpg
Well i was able to seperate the butt stock from the reciever last night. it turned out pretty good. Now all thatbi need to do is prep for bedding and bed it. That should be early next week as it is my birthday saturday.
photo 1-2.jpg
Pre cleanup
photo 2.jpg
post cleanup
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post cleanup
photo 4-2.jpg
Thank you very much Encore. This is my first attempt at performing any custom work on a gun so it has been fun! I can't wait to get it to the range and see if all of this work actually gives me some results on paper!
Can't wait to see what happens. I guess I was lucky with my Encore ML shoots the bulls out at 100 yds. Nothing special 100 gr. 777 with TC 250 gr. ez slide sabots the yellow ones and Win. 209 primer. So is a customized barrel the next order if this doesn't work?
This is actually my first muzzleloader but I love the sport now! They are a blast to shoot. If I do go smokeless which I do see happening in the near future :). I will be doing a full custom built from action up. I don't own a 700 currently so I would just buy it piece by piece. I would love to have a 500 plus yard gun by the end. For what? I have no idea lol but it would be pretty darn cool! Especially because here in illinois we can use smokeless powder. By the way Elite Muzzleloader, what barrel are you running on your gun?
Well guys I started bedding in the receiver this evening. I sanded out the area for epoxy, coated everything in KIWI, and filled all crevasses with modeling clay. I then used the same original JB weld to bed the receiver. I will attach photos of this work in the morning. I must say though, I am quite nervous about this one. It was one heck of a mess with all of the epoxy and I am just hoping that I coated all the surfaces sufficiently enough with wax. I suppose we will find out at 8 tomorrow evening wether it is alright or a total disaster!
well I completed the bedding. Thankfully when I tried to scrape off the excess epoxy on the receiver it came right off. I will be seperating the reveiver and butt stock this evening so hopefully all goes well.
Just picked up a new dremal.
photo 1.jpg
Receiver filled with clay
photo 2.jpg
I filled the trigger pocket with toilet paper (non used:)) then filled the outer layer with clay. Now I dont have to did clay out of my trigger and sear springs.
photo 3.jpg

photo 4.jpg
Stock taped up
photo 5.jpg
Trigger area filled with clay
photo 6.jpg
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