TC Impact trigger, free floating, and bedding

Wow that is very impressive, I had no idea of such a thing. I will definitely have to get a hold of a rod then for my smokeless build. I have a good friend with a lathe than can turn down a rod to fit my barrel. Say I have a .458 barrel I should use a .450 rod?

I did assume that the heat was the major factor in the accuracy issues as my first two or three shots were dead on then they tapered off.
Have your friend turn it down so that it slides in a cold barrel. Heat causes steel to expand to a degree, so you want to be able to get it in and out. I just need to find the aluminum rod myself and here, its hard to find. Maybe Alro Steel may have it or be able to get it. I'd get 3 pieces myself, I'm assuming it comes in 36" lengths.. I already have a long cooler. Never had the need when shooting at home, now its a different story.

Dang mailman........ I'm a little anxious about getting this new trigger and installing it. :D
Have your friend turn it down so that it slides in a cold barrel. Heat causes steel to expand to a degree, so you want to be able to get it in and out. I just need to find the aluminum rod myself and here, its hard to find. Maybe Alro Steel may have it or be able to get it. I'd get 3 pieces myself, I'm assuming it comes in 36" lengths.. I already have a long cooler. Never had the need when shooting at home, now its a different story.

Dang mailman........ I'm a little anxious about getting this new trigger and installing it. :D

:) Mailman showed up with the trigger. Easy install. Set to break at 2# and ready for a good day........... gun)
Very nice looking gun! I just put my order in with Luke. I bought one of his stainless actions and a 26" Pacnor. I cannot wait!!
What barrel did you get .451 or .458? What are you going to start with for loads and bullets? They all shoot moa so whatever you do you'll be shooting less than 1" groups at 100 yards! It's crazy scary what the rem smokeless builds do and then some!

Great way to go and I bet it won't be your last!
He did not specify barrel size, but he is supposed to be sending me the invoice. I am going to request the .458 like you suggested. I have no problem spending the extra money on match hunters if that means not having to turn them down.
Sorry, missed the other part of the question. I have been doing a lot of research and haven't really found anything other than what bullet to use. Which for ranges in excess of 600 yds seems the match hunter. But I do not know what powder to purchase or what gr to start at. I need to buy a scale as well
When you get ready to start buying powder give me a shout there is allot you can get but my go to load is a duplex load it sounds overwhelming at first but it's worth it in the end as long as you stay focused while your loading and don't do a double load. Witness marks are a MUST!

Before you start shooting make sure your absolutely ready and are completely safe smokeless is way more dangerous! Just ask lots of questions and you'll be fine.
Will do. I am reading as we speak about load and what powder. Holy moly lol. There are a lot of options. Burn rates, pressures, duplex loading. I would love to just have a single load rather than duplex but I can't find any good posts documenting results with say 10x or others. I will be honest, I have never even owned a rifle so I have a lot to learn before I even start the front stuffing procedure.. Slightly overwhelmed with all of the options. I suppose we can talk details when I actually get the gun built. I have a two month lead as it stands just to receive the barrel and action.
If you want straight you'll want 4198 however I'd recommend 4759 and 4198 in a duplex. This is the most common load and most proven load out of all of them. The 4759 guarantee ignition.
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