Talk me out of a 300 rum

The 378 Weatherby and the RUM cases are my favorite cases/cartridges to wild cat. Both exceed expectations when wildcatted. so the possibilities are almost unlimited with ether of these cartridges.

The 1 in 9, 1 in 9.5 or 1 in 10 twist will work well in these cartridges in 30 caliber. It is easy to AI the Weatherbys to remove the radius and replace with a 40 o shoulder and still fire Weatherby ammo to fire form to the new AI version and the benefits are many.

If I were to build a 338/378 this is what I would do because of the advantages of being less finicky to different loads. The 30/378 does not seem to suffer from this phenomenon. and is easier to load for.

The 378 case can be opened up to nearly 145 grain powder capacity, so bullet size is not an issue.

Search for member Doublezranch to get some good information on these cartridges performance.

As far as for hunting I'm pretty certain a rum wouldn't get the attention it truly deserves. For years I was a die hard 300 win fan . Then to the 270 wsm. Now I've been on the 7 mm08 band wagon for the last few years . Now this is all for Wv whitetail and black bears. Not saying that once in awhile I don't grab something else out of the gun cabinet for the day.
The 270 wsm is probably my most favorite with its spectacular on game performances.
The rum would get some hunting in for sure but not a daily hunter . maybe a few when I first get it then once in a while get to come out and perform. As far as punching paper at range we try to get together once a month and fire a few rounds down range. And have a good time
So in all reality it would mostly be just a play toy. As for using it on hopeful elk hunting I've got other gals to take to the dance that I bought just for that purpose. Elmer Keiths comes to mind just because.
So my 30-378 maybe on its last hundred rounds. Last 2 times out it's showing signs of needing rebarreled . It's on round count 1450 ish been a good shooter and very happy with its performance. With that being said I've been looking into the 300 rum quite a bit . In all reality from what I've read there really isn't that much difference between the 2. But I like to tinker with new guns/ chamberings . Granted I'm all set up for the 30-378 as far as reloading stuff but another set of dies really isn't that much. And I may have the weatherby made into something a little bigger in the long run anyhow. 338-378 sounds FUN!
With what I've got now I generally only punch paper out to 1000 and am comfortable shooting game in the right circumstances out to 700 yards. Which path to take . Should I go back with the 30-378 or Jump on the rum bandwagon
300 Weatherby since you're already shooting Weatherby or stay 30-378
Build a .300 RUM?!


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I have them all, and they are a hoot to shoot. I gave a guy 700$ for a Rem XCR 300 RUM with a Vortex Viper on it. He
for some reason couldn't get it to shoot. My first 3 shot's a nickle would cover, so I knew it would shoot. Put a brake on it and it's a real nice light weight gun. It will be a perfect elk rifle in the mountain country.
I talked myself out of it like this-

300RUM - H1000- 200gr. Projectile - 3070FPS using 93 grains powder
300PRC - H1000- 200gr. Projectile - 2975FPS using 80.7 grains powder

Pretty apples to apples comparison the only difference is the data is from separate sources but you get the idea. 13 grains more powder to achieve less than 100FPS improvement in velocity. I guess you could do this all day long with every cartridge under the sun, like 300RUM to 300 Norma or whatever.... I had to draw the line somewhere. The only 300RUM based cartridge I will ever own again is an Edge. I just don't see the point in burning all that powder for the marginal increase in performance in .30 cal but I am not necessarily shooting heavy for caliber bullets.. Go ahead an savage me for saying this, I can take it.
If you wanted to use your 30-378 action and just re barrel you could move to something in the Lapua Case... I am also an 338 Edge fan but if I had a 30-378 with a shoot out barrel I would be looking to build a 338 Lapua Imp...Or if you wanted to stay in the 30 cal go with a 30 Lapua Imp
I wouldn't have one for the same reason I won't have a glock, iphone,6.5cm or any other fan boy item. Keep what you have or find something to stand out in a crowd.....not just be a sheep
I talked myself out of it like this-

300RUM - H1000- 200gr. Projectile - 3070FPS using 93 grains powder
300PRC - H1000- 200gr. Projectile - 2975FPS using 80.7 grains powder

Pretty apples to apples comparison the only difference is the data is from separate sources but you get the idea. 13 grains more powder to achieve less than 100FPS improvement in velocity. I guess you could do this all day long with every cartridge under the sun, like 300RUM to 300 Norma or whatever.... I had to draw the line somewhere. The only 300RUM based cartridge I will ever own again is an Edge. I just don't see the point in burning all that powder for the marginal increase in performance in .30 cal but I am not necessarily shooting heavy for caliber bullets.. Go ahead an savage me for saying this, I can take it.

I love the 300 RUM but one issue is getting the right OAL with respect to lands. 300 PRC, like the 28 Nosler, allows you to seat bullets way out if you need to. I think that is the bigger advantage with the PRC. On the other hand, I have not had any issues getting my RUMs to shoot well. I love the 338 Edge as well as the Lapua. When I look in my reloading room, my LR rifles are four cartridges: 28 Nosler (2), 300 RUM (2), Edge (1) and Lapua (2). I do have another RUM that is a standard SS synthetic that I used for hunting, but I need to rebarrel/restock it.
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