Talk me out of a 300 rum

I was hoping JE you would chime in . I love getting your wealth of knowledge. If I go 338 it'll be the 338-378 just because I've always and I mean always wanted one. Don't really know why just always have same as my 7 mm stw . I remember reading the prelude to its reloading pages in the nosler load manual when I was a teenager and after that I always wanted one . Finally got it .
The rum series of cartridges is something that I've always been interested into also. And I'm really thinking that I may end up going that route.
I would go 300 Norma mag you already have a magnum bolt face if you had a 30-.378 wetherby 300 Norma mag you get lapua brass
Lol....I did the same....but I have 3 sons..I bought them all the Vanguard' the Mark V! Why not go .338 lapua then!
My buddy has the Lapua and I do all his loading . I don't mind sharing components just not brass. When I get around to rebarelling the current 30-378 I'm certain it'll come out 338-378 just because I've always wanted one . Long before I ever heard tell of the 338 Lapua magnum . I'll be perfectly honest about it though I've loved this 30-378 very much so it shoots better than I personally can . my buddy shoots it almost every time we go out better than I can. Ouch that kinda hurts to say . Lol . And he's always been a little better shot than I am . Don't tell him though .
So my 30-378 maybe on its last hundred rounds. Last 2 times out it's showing signs of needing rebarreled . It's on round count 1450 ish been a good shooter and very happy with its performance. With that being said I've been looking into the 300 rum quite a bit . In all reality from what I've read there really isn't that much difference between the 2. But I like to tinker with new guns/ chamberings . Granted I'm all set up for the 30-378 as far as reloading stuff but another set of dies really isn't that much. And I may have the weatherby made into something a little bigger in the long run anyhow. 338-378 sounds FUN!
With what I've got now I generally only punch paper out to 1000 and am comfortable shooting game in the right circumstances out to 700 yards. Which path to take . Should I go back with the 30-378 or Jump on the rum bandwagon
I have two different reamers that I have used since before the 30-378 was offered as a factory chambering. Both of these reamers have no freebore. One is reamer is for small bullets and other is for heavier bullets. I have barrels with 14" twist and have shot 125's and 130's at 4000+ fps. This is a 26 lb gun and it has shot many 5 shot one ragged hole groups. I also qent to a 338-378 with a 2" BAT and 2" barrel in a 1000 yd heavy stock. This chamber also no free bore. 56 lbs and shoots 300 grain 2900 fps. Also chambered a 338LM IMP and it shoots 250 grains 3200 fps. I chambered a 338 RUM for my son and he shoots 180 accubonds at 3760 fps. It seems to be the most exciting of all of these and produces the most explosive results. My 338-378 did not seem impressive at 752 yds. Perfect lung hit and deer ran 50-60 yards with an exit hole little bigger than a quarter. That 180 accubond has a good advantage with its velocity and since we dont have many shots past 800 yards-the BC means very little if any at all. Only problem is brass. Not very good and hard to get. I am now chambering a barrel in 338 Lapua Imp to shoot the 180 accubonds. If I can get 3700 fps with 32" barrel and with Lapua brass I will be happy. Also chambered 300 RUM but like the 30-378 it is finicky having to small of hole for all that powder charge. Overbore can be a problem. I would like to go to 375RUM as it is the most efficient and probably the most inherently accurate RUM, but cant get Lapua brass
My buddy has the Lapua and I do all his loading . I don't mind sharing components just not brass. When I get around to rebarelling the current 30-378 I'm certain it'll come out 338-378 just because I've always wanted one . Long before I ever heard tell of the 338 Lapua magnum . I'll be perfectly honest about it though I've loved this 30-378 very much so it shoots better than I personally can . my buddy shoots it almost every time we go out better than I can. Ouch that kinda hurts to say . Lol . And he's always been a little better shot than I am . Don't tell him though .
You have my word.....but sounds to me like you could order a Krieger barrel direct from Weatherby and stay with what you love.
if you want to go 300 RUM, then go 300 RUM. the brass might be cheaper and the powders might be the same. I am not an expert on the 30-378 Weatherby. what I know about both the 30-378 and the 300 is I never want to shoot either one ever again. if you do go 338 then I would say that is the wisest choice in calibers I have ever seen. the 338 diameter is far more useful and effective over the 300/308 diameter.
No wonder the world is tilting off its guys throwing that big of lead around...better check the air pressures,in your tires for hauling weight......

Sounds like lots of help here....but it definitely sounds like it's gonna be a paper puncher.....
Whichever....have fun....
So my 30-378 maybe on its last hundred rounds. Last 2 times out it's showing signs of needing rebarreled . It's on round count 1450 ish been a good shooter and very happy with its performance. With that being said I've been looking into the 300 rum quite a bit . In all reality from what I've read there really isn't that much difference between the 2. But I like to tinker with new guns/ chamberings . Granted I'm all set up for the 30-378 as far as reloading stuff but another set of dies really isn't that much. And I may have the weatherby made into something a little bigger in the long run anyhow. 338-378 sounds FUN!
With what I've got now I generally only punch paper out to 1000 and am comfortable shooting game in the right circumstances out to 700 yards. Which path to take . Should I go back with the 30-378 or Jump on the rum bandwagon
Stay with your 30-378... love mine. Got about 900 down the pipe.. when it's toast gonna just re-barrel just not sure who's Barrel I'm gonna get.. Have a custom 338 RUM as well... the 338-378 also has caught my eye for a future project... good luck on whatever you choose!
With a 100 yd zero, About 40 deg temp, 1200 ft elevation, 36.5 minits @ 1500 yds with the 200 gr SMK in my old 30x378 with a 10 twist 36" barrel and 113 gr H570.
If you can beat it then you have a better gun, otherwise its just talk and uninformed opinion.
Same goes for all the 338s, watch them all fly across a wide valley, the one with most powder always wins.
Shape of the shoulder basically means zilch, same as belt vs no belt as for performance.
So in regards to the 300 Rum, what twist rate is best? I'm looking at a Browning hells canyon speed in 300 rum that has a 1:8 twist. The Remington 700 AWR im looking at has a 1:10 twist. Whats going to be the best gr bullet for each?
So my 30-378 maybe on its last hundred rounds. Last 2 times out it's showing signs of needing rebarreled . It's on round count 1450 ish been a good shooter and very happy with its performance. With that being said I've been looking into the 300 rum quite a bit . In all reality from what I've read there really isn't that much difference between the 2. But I like to tinker with new guns/ chamberings . Granted I'm all set up for the 30-378 as far as reloading stuff but another set of dies really isn't that much. And I may have the weatherby made into something a little bigger in the long run anyhow. 338-378 sounds FUN!
With what I've got now I generally only punch paper out to 1000 and am comfortable shooting game in the right circumstances out to 700 yards. Which path to take . Should I go back with the 30-378 or Jump on the rum bandwagon
Try a Lazzeroni Warbird it outperforms both. If not that I'd go to 30-378
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