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Swarovski X5.....What are you thoughts on this?

I have a question regarding the Swarovski X5 and X5i 5-25x56 scopes. I had recently purchased and received a X5 5-25x56 rifle scope. While mounting the scope to my rifle I noticed that the crosshairs and the top of the elevation turret were not level with each other. Upon further investigation I noticed that the crosshairs were level with the flat surface on the bottom of the scope, but the elevation turret was not level with either the crosshairs or the flat surface on the bottom of the scope. I did some research online which suggested that if the elevation turret is not level with the crosshairs, it can have a bad effect when dialing the scope for long range shots. Not satisfied with the scope and thinking it was a fault from factory, I sent it back to the dealer to receive another scope. After a week I was sent another scope which was the X5i 5-25x56. Straight away, while mounting the new X5i to my rifle I noticed it had the exact same problem as the previous X5 that I had sent back to the dealer, which was the elevation turret was not level with the bottom of the scope or the crosshairs. So my question is, is this just the way these scopes are designed and put together? Or have I received two different scopes with the same fault from factory?

I wouldn't worry about how level the elevation turret was personally. Most scopes aren't, if you are trying to level a scope by putting a level on the elevation turret it's more then likely not going to be perfect. I'm not sure where you read that the turret has to be level to the reticle but I can't see where it would make a bit of difference. The level of the turret is somewhat dictated by how level it is when you tighten the set screws down. It's a small piece of plastic or metal, it really has no bearing on the tracking of the scope.
I picked up an x5i 3.5-18x50 over Christmas in sale from swfa, 2200$ if I recall. It's a wonderful optic, have it on a 300 norma.
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