Supertrickler warm up

I may be "misremembering" a bit but I think the FX-120i scale "stays warmed up" if it's left plugged in and there is power to the scale, even thought it's not turned on. I might be thinking of the TRX925 I use with my Chargemaster.

Isn't the super trickler the powder thrower? It's paired with an FX-20i scale? Idk, I use the Autotrickler V4.

I used to use the RCBS Chargemaster and a TRX925 scale, that's probably the scale I'm thinking about. It "stays warmed up" if it's plugged in. Still do but the Autotrickler is faster for loading 26 and 50 round blocks so it sees a lot more duty than the Chargemaster these days. The Chargemaster is a good scale. Slower and not as accurate but it's loaded a lot of rounds in it's time.

Yup... wrong scale. The TRX925 says warmed up (there are no vacuum tubes in it, I don't know why it's called warmed up).

From the directions: This function calibrates the balance using the internal mass.1. Connect the AC adapter and warm up the balance for at least 30 minutes with nothing on the weighingpan.2. Place the accessory breeze break on the balance and press the key. The balance displays.3. The balance performs calibration using the internal mass. Do not allow vibration or drafts to affect thebalance.4. After the calibration, if the "GLP output ( )" parameter of the function table is set, the balanceoutputs a sensitivity adjustment report.5. The balance will automatically return to weighing mode after calibration

<EDIT> The internet says it's warmed up if it's plugged in and the standby light is on. It's the internet so it must be true.

Signed: Your friend, the French model
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Here is the Companies response to my question is it critical....

No, but we recommend doing so.
The scale works best when it has been switched on for approx. 30 minutes.

Best Regards

Rex Petersen

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