shot 51 thru 54. 54 is going to be too high. Little flat and cratered. 52- 53 seem ok. However I am not sure if there is any FPS dif above 52. This is where a chrono or a group test at 200 would be handy. I didn't have time or light to shoot anything other than shoot for pressure. Also 52-54 impacted same basic area at 100. I was shooting off a knee and those 3 had a 1 inch group and the 51 was lower by 1.25. Could have pulled that 1 I guess. Not very scientific, lol. But that is all I could do tonight. It was raining and I really don't like shooting in the rain and was not going to lay in the mud. Such a wuss.
Not sure what to make of POI either. It was 3.5 high center of 3 shot upper group. Actually it was 110 yards as well. I said 100 but forgot it was little further.

So, are we still talking about the 260 remington? or did this thread go off in another direction?
Well the verdict is still in the hands of the jury and they are fighting.

I thought I was good to go with 51-52 grains and started at 52. I was getting pressure signs, cratering, not too flat, but I was getting the round mark on the base of the brass showing brass flow. I had to back off clear down to 48 grains to stop the brass flow and still had a little cratering. The speed is dang near identical to the Retumbo. At 200 yards the 56.5 Retumbo and 48 super had impacts on the same vertical plane. Both loads were producing .5 to 1 moa groups, the wind was being a pain. So, the good news is the speed is there, right around 2970 fps, accuracy was ok as well.

I did push the bullets in deeper to .105 and the retumbo shot a .25 MOA 3 shot group at 200. I got very lucky and the wind died, I put 3 shots on target as quick as I could. I went back to the super at .105 and it was around .65 moa.

Need to fine tune the super I think. However, I don't understand the pressure signs. What was good a few days is no longer good. I will say this, at 52 grains those bullets were screaming. 4" high at 200. Yikes. I would guess 3150-3200.
Well the verdict is still in the hands of the jury and they are fighting.

I thought I was good to go with 51-52 grains and started at 52. I was getting pressure signs, cratering, not too flat, but I was getting the round mark on the base of the brass showing brass flow. I had to back off clear down to 48 grains to stop the brass flow and still had a little cratering. The speed is dang near identical to the Retumbo. At 200 yards the 56.5 Retumbo and 48 super had impacts on the same vertical plane. Both loads were producing .5 to 1 moa groups, the wind was being a pain. So, the good news is the speed is there, right around 2970 fps, accuracy was ok as well.

I did push the bullets in deeper to .105 and the retumbo shot a .25 MOA 3 shot group at 200. I got very lucky and the wind died, I put 3 shots on target as quick as I could. I went back to the super at .105 and it was around .65 moa.

Need to fine tune the super I think. However, I don't understand the pressure signs. What was good a few days is no longer good. I will say this, at 52 grains those bullets were screaming. 4" high at 200. Yikes. I would guess 3150-3200.
HI Brent, so good to hear from you. I guess the Super Powder is fast enough in bullet speed. Is that with the 140 Bergers? I want to hear more of your findings as you shoot. If the 6.5x284 is getting that with 140 gr. bullets i would think the .260 will get close to that with the 130 gr. I still am waiting to get some 129 SST's. Good luck with the fine tune and report back. BTW, did the temp. change between this and the last outing? Could be the Super is temp sensitive. I hope it isn't but it sounds as though it might be. ..... SEMPER FI! .....LARRY
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