Sod Poodle caliber and cartridge

Probably you don't hear about the 6br more is because no one has ever heard of it.
Like to see the kids face in Cabela's when you ask for a box of 6br.

Must be a regional thing, because I've known about 6BR for 15+ years and 7BR for over 20, and they've both been around a lot longer than that. 6BR even has its own webpage that has turned into quite a resource on other cartridges as well.
Man, with those kinds of rounds count to a shot-out barrel I would be looking at a "Remage", Savage, or an AR as the basis which I built on. At least then re-barreling is easy and possibly Off the Shelf.
Remington action or a custom Remington clone only . It will have an Arnold Jewell trigger in it , period , or I don't want it . I have a target 223 Howa but all I have ever gotten out of it is 1/2" , terrible trigger .
So a Remage set-up on a 700/Clone will allow for easy barrel R&R's.

FWIW I'm currently testing the Timney trigger for a Howa. So far it doesn't seem to be a huge gain on the OE trigger, BUT the OE trigger in this rifle was pretty good. If yours is an awful trigger it may be a step in the right direction.
EDIT: I wish that Jewell offered triggers for more actions than they do as I'd really like to try one, but oddly there's not a single 700/Clone anywhere to be found around my place.
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As a lot of others have mentioned. Based on your criteria, I'd suggest a 223 with 1-8" or so twist. I have one that shoots the 75 eld very well to 700 yards. Cheap on brass, powder and lasts a long time. Farther than that... probably 6BR for the same reasons. I had a heavy barrel one for a while and it was a HAMMER. Would easily kill PD's past 700. Low recoil and powder consumption. Easy to spot hits. Nothing to not like, other than its not common.
Some are some aren't. Normally for a multi-day shoot and/or highly populated P-dog towns, we take multiple rifles. Its not uncommon on a big early season shoot with lots of new pups up to have three rifles at the ready. A couple of 223 versions and maybe a 22-250/AI or some type of 6mm. Usually, I put 1-2 50 rd boxes down the 223 bores then switch rifles or, per heating, as needed. Once they are all ready, I clean and repeat.
Shooting dogs is an after thought to a prong horn or mule deer hunt , could be 1-3 days for dogs . I have a 6.5 creedmoor , and a 223 I can take as well as the new build
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