Caliber / Cartridge for new LR rig

Blacktail, I'll reword my query to make it clear.

My query on wind speed at maximum ordinate (apogee or mid range trajectory point, if you prefer, the highest point above LOS in the bullet's trajectory above LOS) for that 338 Lap Mag zeroed at 1400 yards is about 19 feet above LOS close to 800 yards away for the terrain I stated. It's about 19 feet above the 1 foot height the wind speed was measured at close to the ground where the rifle and wind gauge is.
After re reading these pages and many others. I have decided that my 1400 yard range for elk is unreasonable for the cartridges that I have proposed. 1250 is the practical max range with 1150 being the optimum max. Either of these 30 or 338 will ge me there with the right set up. but the 338's larger frontal area has the greater potential.
After re reading these pages and many others. I have decided that my 1400 yard range for elk is unreasonable for the cartridges that I have proposed. 1250 is the practical max range with 1150 being the optimum max. Either of these 30 or 338 will ge me there with the right set up. but the 338's larger frontal area has the greater potential.


Just zero it @ 1150 and you're golden. :):D:rolleyes::cool:gun)

Decided to go with the 30 Nosler for the first barrel. New rifle, new cartridge! This rifle will see 98 % target duty, so I will lean the build in that direction.
Will decide on the 338 at a later date. My choices will probably be between the 338 RUM or 33 nosler.
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