Sod Poodle caliber and cartridge

Man, with those kinds of rounds count to a shot-out barrel I would be looking at a "Remage", Savage, or an AR as the basis which I built on. At least then re-barreling is easy and possibly Off the Shelf.
Man, with those kinds of rounds count to a shot-out barrel I would be looking at a "Remage", Savage, or an AR as the basis which I built on. At least then re-barreling is easy and possibly Off the Shelf.
Some are some aren't. Normally for a multi-day shoot and/or highly populated P-dog towns, we take multiple rifles. Its not uncommon on a big early season shoot with lots of new pups up to have three rifles at the ready. A couple of 223 versions and maybe a 22-250/AI or some type of 6mm. Usually, I put 1-2 50 rd boxes down the 223 bores then switch rifles or, per heating, as needed. Once they are all ready, I clean and repeat.
I wish I had those kind of numbers where I shoot. It used to be a 120 round day was a big day. The plague went through the country I shoot in and there's very few dogs around anymore.
Many of those trips were to WY, MT and SD
I wish I had those kind of numbers where I shoot. It used to be a 120 round day was a big day. The plague went through the country I shoot in and there's very few dogs around anymore.

Plague went through west Tx and killed off just about everything! Banging steel is is downright boring compared to rabbits and dogs! At least the deer are recovering pretty well.
Take a look at the 22 Grendel. 80 ELDs should run well over 3k in a 26in barrel. My 6mm Grendel shoots 87 Bergers 2930 in a 20" barrel over AR Comp. 7 Twist should run everything and 28 grains of powder can't heat a barrel up but so fast. The Grendel case doesn't usually need to be trimmed much after the first firing and Starline 6.5G brass is 50 cents apiece and handles pressure very well. Only issue is finding an action with the ppc .430 bolt face but they're out there.
With a 6x45 bolt gun you should be able hit 3000 fps with 80 grain bullets. Light recoil and it's cheap to reload. Just my 2 cents.
You could think outside the box a bit and build a fast twist .220 Swift...... I liked the first one so much I built a second one!!
Been wanting to build one myself
Do it!! you will not be sorry. I use mine for varmint shooting as well as deer and antelope. I love the cartridge. The first one I built has an 1-8 Brux barrel on it and the second an 1-8 Rock barrel. If I was to do it again I would go with an even faster twist barrel.
I would consider the 6.5 Grendel. That would get you out to the ranges your talking about pretty easily. Velocity is reasonable so wouldn't be a barrel burner compared to some of these other calibers. Low recoil, can spot your own shots. I will say those PD/bunny kills with the 95gr VMax are spectacular.😆. Hornady also sells bulk ammo in 120 o 123gr I believe.
As I've posted before, both Howa and CZ make bolts with the 7.62x39/PPC/Grendel bolt face. The 1500 Mini action is a jewel, and tiny. The only way that they're sold is with a DBM. I really think that those actions are under valued and under appreciated. Though currently OoS, Brownell's has barreled actions in 6.5 Grendel.
No experience with the CZ, but given my 455's nature I'd expect it to be close to the same.
I've never been PD hunting, but why isn't the 6br recommended more? What kind of advantage would a 22-250 have over the 6BR?.....Stupid easy to load for, stupid accurate, long barrel life, burns less powder than a 22/250 and not much more than a .223......seems like it meets all the criteria?
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