Sig Rangefinder Dying


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
My Kilo 2000 pretty much gave up on me this morning. Looked up the issue on the Internet and found I am not alone. Was under the impression these devices had a lifetime warranty. But, apparently, not the electronics. Don't wanna argue, but if it's an electro-optical device ... what would one 'expect' a lifetime warranty to cover?

Anyway, called Sig's customer support number. They answered quickly. I could 'feel' the guy tense-up when I said I was calling about a Kilo 2K. I was nice. He offered me a 40% discount on anything I wanted to replace it with. I did an upgrade to the 5K. Maybe I shouldn't have (the wife hasn't found out yet) -chuckle.

Bottom Line: Really liked the Kilo when it was working. Just don't feel like I quite got my money's worth out of it. 40% off a newer model wasn't all that great a deal after thinking about it. Probably just Sig's mark-up, but it's better than being told tough luck and hung-up on.

If you've got a Sig, recommend you check it for functionality periodically. If anyone wants this dying one ... lemme know.
What was wrong with it? I had issues with my 4-5 year old k1000bdx -- tech line said send it back-- if we can't fix it we will replace it for free with the next highest model available. -- of course they were able to fix it, just my luck
What was wrong with it? I had issues with my 4-5 year old k1000bdx -- tech line said send it back-- if we can't fix it we will replace it for free with the next highest model available. -- of course they were able to fix it, just my luck
Most of the display is unreadable. You can see the middle, but the edges aren't lighting up. It's not a settings issue or a bad battery. It's dying.

The guy on the phone told me it was nine years old. It might have been made nine years ago (though I doubt that), but I certainly didn't buy it nine years ago because I wasn't even in the US then. I was serving overseas.


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I found this thread yesterday while searching for a solution to a problem with my Sig Kilo2000. Ironically, mine completely died last week. The internal display had been getting dimmer and dimmer, particularly toward the periphery. It finally got to the point that I could barely read three digits before not displaying anything at all. I changed the battery with a fresh load tested battery to no avail.

What's odd is this unit was used sparingly. I purchased this Sig Kilo 2000 in 2016. The unit spent most of its life inside my truck's center console. It was always in it's case. I never hunted with it. I hunt with Geovids. I called Sig as you suggested and they offered me a 20% discount on a replacement. This was extremely disappointing.

These instruments need to have better warranties. I could understand if the unit was heavily used or abused, but it's in perfect physical condition. The lenses and sensor are perfect. The internals are junk. I can't see throwing good money after bad with Sig Sauer. I'd like to replace it, but I'm not sure with what.
I called Sig as you suggested and they offered me a 20% discount on a replacement. This was extremely disappointing.
Am sorry to hear that. If there's one customer who gets a respectable offer ... other customer's should expect the same.

The fella I was talking to on the phone really did knock hundreds of dollars off the product.