Think of this pro. If your buddy or a friend is working in a different system, you can with the press of a button change over, help them out, then change back to what you are doing. I don't think you are going to be confused, it says "MIL" or "MOA" In the reticle.
I think you misunderstood what I was saying.
To clarify, I'm talking about Mils/MOA not Yards/Meters.
Let's use your example: You and your buddy are out hunting. You're buddies using a "different system." We're going to assume that your buddy needs more help than just the corrected range (otherwise this would be moot).
You have two profiles loaded in your Sig 2400. Yours, which is profile 1, a 28 Nosler with a mil scope on it, and your buddies which is profile 2, a 300 WM with a MOA scope on it.
Your buddy spots a buck and says,"I'm going to shoot that one, give me my hold!"You go into the rangefinder, switch profiles to the 300WM (Profile 2), range the deer and tell your buddy, "hold two-point-five." He shoots and misses. He missed because he held 2.5 MOA and the rangefinder said hold 2.5 mils which he has no reference on his scope for. The rangefinder was giving you mils because that's what you shoot and you forgot to go change that setting while under pressure to give him his hold.
After his miss you realize the problem, go back into the rangefinder, change the setting to MOA, and give him the correct hold. After his second shot, a monster buck appears, you change back to your 7mm profile (Profile 1) in the Sig 2400, range the monster, dial 7.5 mils and miss. You then realize that the rangefinder gave you MOA instead of the Mils your scope dials in because you didn't change that setting when you switched back to Profile 1.
What I'm getting at is that the profiles you set up in the app should be the only place you can change MOA/mils. If my "Profile 1" is a 28 Nosler with a MIL scope I should input that info into the app and then not be able to change it unless I edit the profile in the app.
Rangefinder should automatically switch between MOA and Mils based on what the profile calls for. There's no advantage or reason for it not to do this. If your buddy is using a "different system" and all he needs is the corrected range then it doesn't matter whether the rangefinder is working in Mils or MOA because all you're going to give him is the range. There is no need to have mils or MOA in the rangefinder unless you have a profile attached to it.
The G7 has the Mils/MOA designation locked to the profile which is how it should be. When you switch profiles it switches to MOA or Mils or holds based on how you setup the profile.
Hopefully that makes more sense and hopefully this is an easy software/firmware update. This seems like a big problem for me because I use both MOA and Mil based scopes on a regular basis. That being said I haven't actually used a 2400 yet and maybe it won't be that hard to remember to switch back and forth. If you disagree, at least consider the option of letting the user choose if they want Mils/MOA locked to the profile.
Does this make more sense and do I understand how the rangefinder works or am I the one missing the point?