have 3, 7 wsm rifles. two are dedicated hunting rifles, one is a pierce action, carbon barrel comp/hunting rifle, about 9.5 lbs. all shoot superbly, .5 moa or better. have used the comp rifle up to 1450 with 168 bergers and it does very well. for me the winchester brass has performed very well. 5 or 6 loadings and still going. have a good stock on hand , but it can be hard to get, im not quite sure why. i think saum is a good but wsm just flat out has better performance potential. my other 2 rifles are winchester 70 actions, that i prefer over rem. im primarily a hunter. if it hits where i want. kills quickly im happy. in the end , saum or wsm will both do it. i just like wsm better. esp if new brass is available. lastly, if someone is necking and fireforming 300 wsm to 7 wsm isnt it just a 7 wsm? why call it a 7 300 wsm? just want some clarification.