Hello to all,
I would like to address Topgun 30-06 and Bigngreen.... I agree with both of you to some extent. But I believe Topgun didnt read my post all the way through... I "did" Make a "Proper Shot" on the cow elk... I Punched it thru Both
shoulders and she did not die right away...she ran. NO control over that...
Topgun, i agree that certain people shouldn't take certain shots. But for you to say a guy shouldnt take a head shot at "ANY" distance is a stretch to me. What if the muzzle is 5 inches from an elks head?
A head shot for me at 200 yards was quite doable for me. I had a Good rest and the cow was perfectly still (when I shot her thru the shoulders) The target area for a cow elk's neck is about 8-10 Inches across... the neck has
an even larger area towards the top of the shoulders. I CAN hold MOA on that target under those circumstances....
I respect the fact that You wouldn't have taken that shot... also, if anyone has hunted long enough, an animal is going to be wounded and lost... it has or will happen to everyone... shoot them too far back, shoot a Moose above the lungs and below the spine you can lose them. Some people take "Texas Heart" shots... It happens.
Bigngreen, I also agree with you in that LRH is a place where we can talk as a
group about anything concerning hunting... and pushing the barriers.... if that
is what people are doing. Also hunting ethics of one person is NOT the same
for another.... I did get that "imposing vibe" from Topgun's response, but this is the USA and he is entitled to his opinion (not matter how wrong it is
I've read more than a few threads on LRH about people taking taking
head/neck shots on animals with success. I've also read stories of experienced long range hunters shooting and wounding and or missing, and then perhaps recovering the animal....
I may judge, but I usually keep it to myself... I have my Ethical Lines I wont cross and try my best to keep and I don't get upset if another man's ethics aren't the Same as mine... as Long as we are SAFE out there...
Thanks for the Imput from Both of you and the rest of the LRH community....
I will always Consider If a shot is "Iffy" or Not.
And I DID say Practice at the Range on taking Quick shots on targets...
It would be a good idea to practice this at the Shooting Range. Shooting the first shot at a target, rack your bolt, and fire a second shot hitting the target
Without Breaking your cheek- weld to the stock and looking through the scope. Do this from field positions... prone, sitting, and kneeling with shooting sticks.
This type of practice of
putting two shots on Target, Quickly, will SAVE you alot of grief and tracking time!!